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M <br />40 <br />40 <br />NPS Farm 10.900-a <br />(0-88) <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />r1,MB APprevaf NO. 1024-0018 <br />Section number -L- Page -5— Indian River Narrows Cultural Resource District <br />contact. The Fishing Flat Site is also in danger of encroaching development to the east and south. <br />FIA Registration Requirements <br />Shell Middens are eligible for nomination if they are associated with one of the periods described in Section E. <br />Middens hold great ,potential for interpretation and further research even if there has been a great deal of <br />disturbance. A shell midden should be considered eligible if it, or any remnant of it, is likely to provide information <br />that addresses the archaeological research questions briefly outlined above. <br />Large sites can sustain extensive damage and still contain significant archaeological deposits in the lower strata. <br />The field investigation required for a determination of eligibility should include a thorough inspection of the site <br />surface to determine the extent of disturbance. Sufficient information can be gathered with small test units to <br />document the size of the site, the nature of the midden contents, and the depth of the deposits. This investigation <br />method minimally disturbs the site, yet provides enough information to compare with other middens that have been <br />thoroughly excavated and determined eligible for listing. Even what would be considered extreme disturbance, such <br />as the construction of Jungle Trail, has left extensive portions of the site intact. <br />Smaller, or shallow, sites are often more extensively impacted by human and natural agencies such as grove <br />ditching and tidal degradation. However, their presence contributes information on regional settlement patterns, <br />or the variety of habitats that human groups have found suitable through time. While these sites may not appear <br />to be individually remarkable, their membership in a regional set of sites enhances their importance and eligibility,. <br />