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CI <br />410 <br />i <br />NWS Fprm 10.98D-4 RMB Approval No 1024.0018 <br />� I8-Esl <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Section number -I— rage I South Hole Midden <br />SUMMARY <br />The South Hole Midden Site (8.18828) is the best preserved habitation/midden site of its size within the proposed <br />Indian River Narrows Cultural Resource District, and holds great potential for interpretation and research. All of <br />the known site west of US At and a 50 foot preservation easement to the east of US Al currently is held by the <br />public. <br />The South Hole midden is a major habitation site, likely to have been a repeated use small village. Since very little <br />testing has been undertaken, little is known of its chronology or the variety of material remains it may possess. <br />However, it appears that the midden will prove to be a prime source of data relevant to the research questions <br />outlined in Section F of the Multiple Property Listing cover forst (Mickel, 1992:152). <br />ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING <br />The South Hole midden is located on Orchid Island, a barrier island that makes up the easternmost portion of the <br />Atlantic Coastal Ridge (ACR) physiographic province. It is separated from Florida's peninsular mainland by the <br />Indian River Lagoon to the west, and is further bounded by St. Lucie Inlet to the south, Sebastian Inlet to the north, <br />and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. <br />The ACR is a series of relict sandy beach ridges and bars which formed parallel to the Atlantic Ocean through <br />wave, wind and current action as the sea level has risen and fallen over time. The narrowness and close proximity <br />of the ACR, which comprises the mainland dune ridges and Orchid Island, to the Atlantic Ocean in Indian River <br />Cuunt ' has !cd g_ oIJa! is to cumtt5e tli}t thus rtrea !s u nc of thfc geologically 1uc t I.zcVW, oce nw shores to <br />:.c <br />formed along the state's Atlantic coast (White 1970:85). <br />The South l -Tole Midden site lies at the northern end of a secondary dmic, which slopes into the Indian R v er estuary <br />at South Hole, just to the north of Jungle Trail where the barrier island narrows dramatically to a thin peninsula, <br />the principal features of which are the primary dune and strand, The elevation of the site stands in marked contrast <br />to the surrounding estuary, back dune flats, and interdune trough. The nearest freshwater is unknown, but like=y <br />to be. a now defunct swale marsh in the grove flats southwest of the site (Dicke] 1992; 152). <br />PERIODS OF SITE OCCUPATION <br />The periods of ;site occupation can only be approximated because so little testing has been executed. However, <br />Richards (199U) reports that, based on ceramics recovered from the midden on the cast side of US AIA, it is <br />unlikely that it predates the Malabar Formative period. <br />