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�7 <br />a <br />• <br />NNS Paan 10900-2 <br />Zu l8-861 <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Flags <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Section number _L Page .4 <br />PAST AND PRESENT IMPACTS <br />UAt9 Approval Nv. 1024-0019 <br />South Hole Midden <br />While construction and maintenance of US AIA and ,Jungle Trail have created serious impacts to the site, large <br />areas remain in near pristine condition. Immediate stabilization is required along both roadcuts. Currently, the <br />south face of the madcut along Jungle Trail from the intersection of US AIA south 600 feet to the open field shows <br />eroded banks of up to 3 feet in height. Any further widening of the right of way will impact the site. <br />Evidence of vandalism was found north ofJungle Trail and east of US AIA. Shovel holes were found in this area <br />and appear to be related to gopher turtle and land crab harvesting by local residents. County police and Pelican <br />Island National Refuge staff were alerted to the practice. Public education and direct notification of violators may <br />help to curtail these activities. <br />PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS <br />'this site was surveyed and tested twice in the past five years. In 1990, Richards (1990) tested property to the east <br />of US AIA that contains part of the midden and the overall site. Dickel (1992) tested part of the site to the west <br />of US AIA as part of county -wide survey of archaeological resources. <br />Combined, Dickel(1992) and Richards (1990) excavated more than 1.5 small test pits along the periphery of the <br />dense midden area, and one within the densest portion east of the US AIA road cut. The midden deposit's depth <br />ranged from 5 cm to 75 cin in these test pits and produced a quantity of shell in sandy, black stained matrixes. The <br />shell was predominantly oyster, but small bar Venus clams, Mercenarra Quahog, and modified Busycon also were <br />found. <br />