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11111110 <br />C-] <br />• <br />NPS Form 104?00-a oMn Appmval No. 1024 -Ml <br />cel <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Section number —14_ Wage _1_. South Hole Midden <br />VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCWTION <br />The boundary of that portion of the South Hole Midden site that lies on the secondary dune is conspicuous due the <br />abrupt 3-5 foot rise above the interdune trough to the east, and the low, level barrier island/back dune flats to the <br />south and southwest, and the estuary edge to the north and northwest. The toe of the secondary dune and midden <br />is accentuated on the south and west by a shallow drainage ditch that once bordered citrus groves in the flats. The <br />roadcuts of US A]A and Jungle Trail, and other surface exposures reveal the dense shell and black organic soil of <br />the midden. <br />BOUNDARY JUSTIFICATION <br />That portion of the boundary of the south Hole .Midden site that is coinsidant with the toe of the secondary dune <br />and contains the densest midden materials is well defined. However, it is more difficult to define shallower shell <br />and artifact scatter within the barrier islandlback dune fiats to the south and the interdune slough to the east and <br />northeast. These areas may represent what has been defined elsewhere as a shell field, or an extension of the <br />habitation area on the periphery of the main midden. The shell field in these areas appears to extend beyond the <br />publicly owned land, and it is clear that more testing is required to determine these boundaries. Similarly difficult <br />to define at present is the boundary line to the north and northwest as the midden shell field grades into natural <br />estuary shell deposits. <br />