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r. <br />40 <br />40 <br />02/ 14/00agrP W D(TOB;JRT) <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />BEACH PRESERVATION PLAN <br />ENGINEERING DESIGN & PERMITTING <br />AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN APPLIED <br />TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, INC., AND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. <br />This is an amendment to the existing Professional Services Agreement(AGREEMENT) <br />dated April 27, 1999, between Applied Technology and Management, Inc. (CONSULTANT) <br />and Indian River County (COUNTY). This amendment addresses changes in "Section III - <br />Scope of Services and "Section V - Compensation of the Agreement. <br />Amendment Description <br />This Amendment includes the following changes to "Section III - Scope of Service and <br />"Section V - Compensation of the Amendment: <br />SECTION III <br />1. The CONSULTANT shall complete the final project design for the Beach Preservation Plan <br />in accordance with Exhibit "A". <br />2. The CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit a complete joint coastal permit for four beach <br />restoration projects in accordance with Exhibit "A". <br />3. The CONSULTANT shall prepare contract plans and specifications for the project areas in <br />accordance with Exhibit "A". <br />SECTION V is being revised in response to the Section III changes. The charges associated with <br />the change in project scope are in accordance with Exhibit "A". <br />The section of the original AGREEMENT entitled "Section V - Compensation" shall be <br />revised to include compensation due the CONSULTANT in the amount not -to -exceed of $ 424,900. <br />This AGREEMENT is hereby amended as specifically set forth herein. All other sections <br />of the AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect, and are incorporated herein. <br />F:\Public Works\Rebecca\COASTAL\amd 1 engdesign.admAoc <br />1 <br />