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CI <br />do <br />E-:] <br />THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE rrP1��d <br />FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS? AND THE FLORIDA BAR. G� <br />Contract for Salo and Purchase <br />FLnR10A ASSOCIATiON OF REALTORS') <br />AND TI IE FLORIDA BAR <br />PARTIES Michaol Baratta <br />•:.1e Medical Center Drive, Canoga Park, California 913Q7 4AIX_ (Phono) <br />Indiark,R ver County,. a political subdiviaion of the,Ati0o of Flazld4k ("Buyer").. <br />1940 25th Street,- Vero Beach, Florida 329.50, -- (Phone) <br />:,, .r,Iri,Xi mull yellor shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described real properly and personal properly (collectively <br />'tl'opuny'"}pursuant To the terms and conditions of This Contract forSale and Purchase and any Eiders and addenda ("Contract"): <br />I DESCRIPTION: <br />r.i I Lircl:lr desctnpTICXI of the Real Property located Ili _ Indian_ R.iya>y _ County, Florida: <br />See 1agal_d­q_Q_griptiart, Sxhibxl "A", attachod_here_to_and arcade a_pnrt hereof, <br />SEE ADDENDUM TO—CONTRACT <br />Oil Sirftet addrass, city. Zip, of the Properly is'. 82nd Avanuo - and 16th Straat,__Ve.ro_ Bauch, Flprid_p <br />f, , Pe,.nnal P,00eny None, A-1 zoning/hand use M-1. Parcel in No. 47.�3,J39-0©001-I}l�.t]-p0•$]�i Q_ <br />Parcol conLaining 76,698,aquara fo.4t.._pr 1,0.1._4.4iee. <br />•+ _ <br />,PLEASE NOTE:_TIiIS C9NTR.ihCT._I5:_S_ITjlJECT TO INDIAN-RIVER_CQrJP�r APFROYAL <br />tl VURCI A.SEPRICE: .$ 54,250.00 <br />PAYMENT: <br />. i:I I f eposir Xcetd in escrow by --N/A.-- - - (Escrow <br />.. Atlrrnr} in like amount of..._....... ...............................$ <br />l-1 r•ditXtro, rill r;scrow deposit In be made to Escrow Agend wilhin - - days after Effective Dale (see <br />F+;1r;XLl14ph ill) in The artiount of _..... .. ....._._. ...................................$ -0- <br />n l 7Iiilgtiij in AN[) imsuniplivii of nxisblitf nrodgagry n+ gurad slalif iriU ill [aver of N/A <br />!raving an approximale present principal balance of ...................$ .0 - <br />NO Now mortgage financing with a Lender (son, Paragraph IV) in the amount of .................................................$ -o- <br />it: I Pl.tChase money mortgage and note to Seller (see rider for terms) in the amount of ..................................$ -�- <br />1r/A _ __ $ »e- <br />r• r.«; i,+ ,.,u�u by o S cash or LOCALLY DRAWN cashier's or official bank chock(s), subject <br />l..•,tnu,nra nr tiromiern5 I I I.._ .—_.............. .... .......... <br />...............5�.@.L ia,00 <br />Ill TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER; EFFECTIVE DATE; FACSIMILE: If this offer is not executed by and delivered to all partles <br />l_ 1 :1:�! !or ExF(;t)TION1 rommnnrcated in writing between the parries on or before _e Q_�itSr-@ „ the deposil(s) <br />.c Ii,i;rir•s option, hu rrh"rriodan(i (tris. offerwdtidrawn For purposes of delivery or notice of execution, parties Include Buyer <br />,0 'in"or nr each of the respective brokers or attorneys Tile dale of Contract ("Effective Date") will be the data when the last <br />32 «)ir(- of rhe Buyer and Seller has signed this offer. Afacslmile copyof this Contract and any signatures hereon shall be considered <br />I I ern all pii•nfor us ;ls ;Ili nnginat <br />IV FINANCING: <br />X 1a) This is a cash transaction with no contingencies for financing: <br />(b) This Contract is conditioned on Buyer obtaining a written loan commitment within _ days after Effective Dale for <br />OFIL, nNE1 a fixed. an adlwaabloor l ]a fixed or adjustable rale loan in the principal amount of <br />N/A , at an Initial Interest rale Plot to exceed _ _ ,_ "I , discount and origination fees net to exceed _ % <br />,+ ipr-i,rpal arnnoni. and for ri term of years Buyer will make application within _ days (5 days if left blank) after <br />I l+r•r,p,yrt I-iah• and Ilse reasonable dingr_ncr. to obtain a loan corisnlitincni and, lhoreaHer, to salisfy lernos and conditions of <br />co -.1,011 wnr ai'd (,lose the loan Buyur shall pity all loan oxponses. it Buyer falls to obtain a commitment or fails towaive <br />i. l+, iyr•I `5 righlS wiler Phi-, ^:uhp Yra(0rElpti wdlrnl lirC lime lar obiniliinO FI comaidnienl or. after diligent effort, fails to meet the <br />, ;inti r0n41r1ruil5 nl lhm co-mdment by like ageing date, Own Lillo r pally thereafter, by written notice to the other, may <br />+ , wi,, I ibis Contrarl and ULAyor shall be refunded lire deposit($]; or <br />L. (r I rlrr. n.w hnp martgago, described In Paragraph 111c) ahovo, has la variabfo interest rale; or F a fixed Interest rate of <br />N/A I,, p^!1 aleium At !loin at Illle transtnr, sumo Fixed lnloresi rates are subject to incroasn; if Increased, the rate shall riot <br />tont +r. T)cr annwn Seller snarl lurrus i a statomoal Iron1 cacti morigigee statino Iho principal balanre, method of <br />L',;yr:r ai i lrssuig Filldiit lu obtalri iho same. 11 Buyer has agreed to <br />;X +.,r!yp+Tyr; wruiai requlna aptxnval el flrcyor by tine mortgagee for assumption. then Buyer shall promptly obtain the <br />`,u riocessary application and diligently complete and return it to the mortgagee. Any mortgagee charge(s), not to exceed <br />N/A 11'% of arnount assumed If left btnnk), shall Ise paid by Buyer if Buyer is not accepted by.norlgageo or <br />,vier +.1-: rut .ISSLfnillhfirl afe Lsol ar ;fccordanco with the Corms o[ this Contract or moitgagoo makes a charge in <br />use <br />or low stated amrium. Sriller or thiyer may tise+nd Was Contract by written notice to the other party unle s either <br />r. per, nor= nrr Illlumsl rata or excess modgagecharges. <br />u TI It 1E EVIDENCE: At lo;lr.t N/A days brilore closing dole. (CT-fECK ONLY ONIQ) lD Sailer shall, at Seller's expariso, rfanver <br />li i,r,, 11,...r r•. n a=n.+,,• .,, YRuyer shall al Bur (1r'r. it,liaii.,oi oo(ain (CHECK ONLY ONE): 1Xabstract of title; or Rtitle <br />•rrwwir sk X:nrrinwwprrr Iwllh iogintn rnplos of Instrunrnnln listed a5 uxraptions nitarhad tharata)and. altar closing, an owner's <br />. •l dlii;y fit 1111" Iri$Ur;llll;e <br />rl LLOatNG DATE ours Irarts,lrhon `;brill tin closed :end the. ctosrn(I documents delivered qqn <br />rrin,iiiiiia liv licher provisions ni Ihls Contracl f' Coin of Fect,'ivC <br />A Snea, . I I - . 1 I a copy at 0111 pagii, <br />.i ❑Xi. -OF r,': CAr) nT ORTAInf p FROM TIIF f ORIDA ASSOCIATIOII OF REALTORs9 OR TAE FLORIDA BAR <br />,— -H, Taarnlataw.Lat" ri .nirm.... ray M,(. Air All,,Ir•r r',"blmhin{). ITXY, 000'.110.11127 <br />