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CI <br />d <br />4W <br />a <br />TYPE 1 AND PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION CHECKLIST <br />230897 -1 - <br />State Project No. 59-01 WPI No. FAP No. <br />Project Description: <br />YES NO <br />Are tate impacts to local traffic patterns, property access, community cohesiveness, <br />planned community growth or ;and use patterns not adverse? <br />X Are all air, noise and water quality impacts negligible or non-existent? <br />NA If there is wetland involvement, does it qualify for either Nationwide or General <br />Permit? <br />Can the project proceed without a U.S. Coast Guard Permit? <br />K — Are any or all flout plain encroachments not significant in accordance with Part 2, <br />Chapter 24? <br />— — Will endangered and threatened species and their critical habitats remain <br />unaffected? <br />X Is there no right-of-way or an insignificant amount of right-of-way required for the <br />project? <br />Are the residential or business relocations for the project not significant? <br />Is Section 4(f) not applicable to the project? <br />Have properties protected under Section 106 which are taken, used or in close <br />proximity to the project been identified and if applicable reviewed by SHPO, and <br />has a determination of "No Effect" or "No Adverse Effect" been given? <br />x. Is the Contamination involve;nt.ig tt„r sitir:lica.;t” <br />The project does not require a public hearing or an opportunity for a_public <br />hearing? <br />IMPORTANT If the answer to any of these questions is No, then a Type I or Programmatic <br />Categorical exclusion does not apply. <br />Figure 3.2 Type 1 and Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Checklist (continueu) <br />Ptv. 10 31-97 E'r^RT 1, CHAPTER 3 3-25 <br />