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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />FWC Agreement No. 23214 <br />B. Payments. <br />The Commission shall pay the Recipient for satisfactory performance of the tasks identified in Attachment <br />A as evidenced by the completed deliverables, upon submission of invoices, accompanied by supporting <br />documentation sufficient to justify invoiced expenses or fees, and after acceptance of services and <br />deliverables in writing by the Commission's Grant Manager. Unless otherwise specified in Attachment A, <br />invoices shall be due monthly, commencing from the start date of this Agreement. Invoices must be legible <br />and must clearly reflect the Deliverables that were provided in accordance with the terms of the Agreement <br />for the invoice period. Unless otherwise specified in Attachment A, a final invoice shall be submitted to the <br />Commission no later than forty-five (45) days following the expiration date of this Agreement to assure the <br />availability of funds for payment. Further, pursuant to Section 215.971(1)(d), F.S., the Commission may <br />only pay the Recipient for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the Agreement period. <br />C. Invoices. <br />Each invoice shall include the Commission Agreement Number and the Recipient's Federal Employer <br />Identification (FEID) Number. Invoices, with supporting documentation, may be submitted electronically <br />to the attention of the Commission's Grant Manager. If submitting hard copies, an original and two (2) <br />copies of the invoice, plus all supporting documentation, shall be submitted. All bills for amounts due <br />under this Agreement shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper pre -audit and post -audit thereof. <br />Recipient acknowledges that the Commission's Grant Manager shall reject invoices lacking documentation <br />necessary to justify invoiced expenses. <br />D. Match <br />If this Agreement is made pursuant to a grant award as authorized by Rule 68-1.003, F.A.C., the Recipient <br />is not required to contribute non-federal match towards this Agreement. If applicable, details regarding <br />specific match requirements are included in Attachment A. <br />E. State Obligation to Pay. <br />The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an <br />annual appropriation and authorization to spend by the Legislature. The Parties hereto understand that this <br />Agreement is not a commitment to future appropriations but is subject to appropriation and authority to <br />spend provided by the Legislature. The Commission shall be the final authority as to the availability of <br />funds for this Agreement, and as to what constitutes an "annual appropriation" of funds to complete this <br />Agreement. If such funds are not appropriated or available for the Agreement purpose, such event will not <br />constitute a default on behalf of the Commission or the State. The Commission's Grant Manager shall <br />notify the Recipient in writing at the earliest possible time if funds are not appropriated or available. <br />F. Non -Competitive Procurement and Rate of Payment. <br />Section 216.3475, F.S., requires that under non-competitive procurements, a Recipient may not receive a <br />rate of payment in excess of the competitive prevailing rate for those services unless expressly authorized <br />in the General Appropriations Act. If applicable, Recipient warrants, by execution of this Agreement, that <br />the amount of non-competitive compensation provided in this Agreement is in compliance with Section <br />216.3475, F.S. <br />G. Cost Reimbursement <br />If the Compensation section indicates this is a cost reimbursement Agreement, the Recipient shall be paid <br />on a cost reimbursement basis for all eligible Project costs upon the completion, submittal, and approval of <br />Recipient/Subrecipient Agreement Last Revised: 3.20.2023 Page 3 of 29 <br />