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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />FWC Agreement No. 23214 <br />vi. In -House Charges: Charges which may be of an internal nature (e.g., postage, copies, etc.) may be <br />reimbursed on a usage log which shows the units times the rate being charged. The rates must be <br />reasonable. <br />vii. Indirect Costs: To the extent the Commission determines that indirect costs are allowable, and the <br />Agreement specifies that indirect costs will be paid based on a specified rate, then the calculation <br />should be provided in the Agreement's budget breakdown. Indirect costs must be in the approved <br />Agreement budget and the Recipient must be able to demonstrate that the costs are not duplicated <br />elsewhere as direct costs. All indirect cost rates must be evaluated for reasonableness and for <br />allowability and must be allocated consistently. <br />For cost reimbursement Agreements with another State agency (including State universities): <br />In lieu of the detailed documentation described above, alternative documentation may be submitted to <br />substantiate the costs requested to be reimbursed. This alternative documentation may be in the form of <br />FLAIR reports or other reports containing sufficient detail. <br />H. Time Limits for Payment of Invoices. <br />Payments shall be made in accordance with Sections 215.422 and 287.0585, F.S., which govern time limits <br />for payment of invoices. Section 215.422, F.S. provides that agencies have five (5) working days to inspect <br />and approve Deliverables, unless Attachment A specifies otherwise. If payment is not available within forty <br />(40) days, measured from the latter of the date the invoice is received or the Deliverables are received, <br />inspected and approved, a separate interest penalty set by the Department of Financial Services pursuant to <br />Section 55.03(1), F.S., will be due and payable in addition to the invoice amount. Invoices returned to a <br />Recipient due to preparation errors will result in a payment delay. Invoice payment requirements do not <br />start until a properly completed invoice is provided to the agency. <br />I. Electronic Funds Transfer. <br />Recipient agrees to enroll in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), offered by the State's Chief Financial <br />Officer, within thirty (30) days of the date the last Party has signed this Agreement. Copies of the <br />Authorization form and a sample blank enrollment letter can be found on the vendor instruction page at: <br /> Questions should be directed to the State of Florida's <br />EFT Section at (850) 413-5517. Once enrolled, invoice payments will be made by EFT. <br />J. Vendor Ombudsman. <br />A Vendor Ombudsman, whose duties include acting as an advocate for vendors who may be experiencing <br />problems in obtaining timely payment(s) from a State agency, may be contacted at (850) 413-5516 or by <br />calling the Chief Financial Officer's Hotline, (800) 342-2762. <br />Section 5. RETURN OR RECOUPMENT OF FUNDS <br />A. Unobligated Funds. <br />Pursuant to Section 215.971(1)(d) -(e), F.S., the Commission may only pay the Recipient for allowable <br />costs resulting from obligations incurred during the Agreement period, and any balance of unobligated <br />funds that has been advanced or paid must be refunded to the Commission. Any funds paid in excess of the <br />amount to which the Recipient is entitled under the terms and conditions of the Agreement must be <br />refunded to the Commission as well. <br />Recipient/Subrecipient Agreement Last Revised: 3.20.2023 Page 5 of 29 <br />