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Agenda Item Number
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National Cost Reduction Group
Telephone Billing Group
Consulting Agreement
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40 <br />CONSULTING AGREEMENTIJE I'WEEN <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY,FLORIDA AND <br />NATIONAL COST REDUCTION GROUT' <br />,THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 21"day of March, 2000, <br />by and between INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA (COUNTY), a political <br />subdivision of the State of Florida, whose matting address is 1840 25'11 Street, Vero <br />Reach, Flonda 32966-3365, and NATIONAL. COST R'EDucTION GROUP (NCRG), a <br />business whose mailing address is 1355 Afnuranta Lane, Suite A, Vero Beach, Florida <br />32963. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />Section 1. Tlie County Itcrcb%- agrees to allow NCRG to provide services to the County, that have <br />for their purpose the analysis of telecomimumcation costs incurred by the County in its day to day <br />operations NCRG shall rcvicv% the County's telephone bills and records in order to idcntify and <br />rccover overcharges NCRG will process error corrections and scrice enhancements on behalf <br />of the County NCRG mai recommend potential cast savings actions, which the County may or <br />may not accept <br />Section 2. No fees shall be due NCRG unless refunds or savings are obtained NCRG shall <br />receive fifty (50'4) percent of overcftarges recovered. NCRG shall receive lifty (50YP) percent of <br />savings obtained as a result of its actions or recommendations as mutually agreed bcncccn the <br />County and NCRG All savings so shared skull be in c&ct lot eighteen (iii) months front the <br />commencement dale of this agreement. Savings for any service that becomes discontinued or <br />disconnected ceases with such discontinuance or disconnection. All fees, other than initial <br />recovery amount, due NCRG shall be billed monthly and paid within thirty (30) days of billing <br />invoice submitted by NCRG <br />Section 3. NCRG shall begin its rcvicn %%ninn 30 days of tfic execution of this contract and <br />sltallcomplete its review v chin 120 days Stl f:llilllll L'nfi:nteni <br />Section 4. NCRG shall comply with all ledcral. state and local laws, rules, regulations, and <br />ordinances applicable to the work including Executive Orders of lite president of' the United <br />Status. <br />Section 5. NCRG shall not subict, assign or transfer any wort: ander this agreement without the <br />written consent of the County <br />Section 6. NCRG hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the County from <br />all claims, demands, liabilities and suucs of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because al` or <br />due Lo the breach of this agreement by NCRG, it agents or employees or duc to any act or <br />occurrence of omissions or commission of NCRG. its agents or employees. <br />Section 7,, The Count. and anter duly uirithorircd rcltrescnlalivis, shall ha%e :access Lo any <br />books, documents, papers and records of NCRG which are directly pertinent to this_ agrecinenE. <br />for the purpose of makmlt otidrts. CX,1"11n1ti0M;, UxC,:rjjt!; and transcripu.nis. fliu NC:Rti shall <br />maintain all project records for three years after Ilmil paynient is made and after all other pending <br />matters are closed whiclicver is later <br />
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