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and consequential damages subject to tine limitation regarding consequential damages <br />described in Paragraph 5 below. If the COUNTY requests the ARCHITECT to obtain <br />additional insurance coverage, the cost of such additional insurance not otherwise reimbursed <br />to tine ARCHITECT under this Agreement shall constitute an additional direct charge to the <br />project. <br />5. For specialised services not performed by the ARCHITECT, the ARCHITECT shall require <br />each of its subcontractors to take out and maintain during (lie life of such subcontract work <br />the insurance coverages set fortis in Paragiaphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 above; provided however, lluc <br />following limits shall apply: <br />5.1 Employer's Liability Insurance (bodily injuries) with li¢nit of $100,000 per <br />occurrence„ and Employees Liability Insurance (occupational disease) with limits of <br />$100,000 per person and $500,000 in tine aggregate. <br />5.2 Commercial General Liability histirariec, with limits of $500,000 each person;. <br />S1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injuries, and S1,000,000 each occurrence for <br />property damage. <br />G. The limits under Paragraph 5 shall be the sante for any subcontractor. <br />7. Tine ARCHITECT shall furnish the COUNTY with two (2) copies of a Certificate of <br />Insurance evidencing policies required in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G above and evidencing <br />policies of insurance required above for subcontractors. Such Certificates shall give the <br />COUNTY it least thirty (30) days written notice in the event Of cancellatiosn of or material <br />change in any of tine policies. The Certificate of Insurance shall give a brief description of <br />the work being performed under this. Agreement. All insurance companies provided shall <br />be companies rated at least A + VII per Best's Key Rating Guide and licensed to do business <br />in the State of Florida. <br />-1'o tine extent of tine insurance benefits under the insurance policies required by this Article, <br />or for any loss, damage or expense filling within the deductible portion of Architects <br />Professional Liability Insurance described in Paragraph 4 hereof, whether indcnunity <br />payment, defense costs, or otherwise, the ARCHITECT shall save the COUNTY hannicss <br />from and against all cos; and losses, and all claim-, demands, suits, actions, payments and <br />judgernents arising from personal injuries or otherwise, brought or recovered against the <br />COUNTY arising out orally negligent error, or oarussion of the ARCHITECT, its agents, <br />servants or employees, in execution or guarding of (tic work, including any and all cxpelnse, <br />legal or otherwise, incurred by the COUNTY or its representatives in tine defense of any <br />cIaiiin or suite. <br />SECTION IX d OWNERS HII, GI• b0C+ 1!.1Lt,'T7 <br />All plans, specifications, calculations and other work products paid for under this contract <br />shall be the praperty of the COUNTY and shall be delivered to tine COUNTY at its direction. Tire <br />^Ol'1•'TY shaft have the right to rc-usc drawings o f the structural details in a manner consistent with <br />oAr nginec6rk&%KitnPtCaPi1a1 I'roj"tst9,N2G Agrcennenl-cjk.frm <br />