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Indian River Lagoon Scenic Highway Route <br />The limits of the corridor begin at Ais Lookout Point, just north of the intersection of Robert <br />Conlan Bouivard and US 1 in Palm Bay, proceed south on US 1 to the Wabasso Causeway <br />(CR510), east across the causeway to SRA IA, north on AIA to Port Canaveral, then west on SR <br />528 (the Bennett Causeway) to SR3, north to SR405 (the NASA Causeway), west to US 1, north <br />to SR 4021406, northeast to the Canaveral National Seashore, then south on the mainland to Ais <br />Lookout Point to complete the circuit. The SR 520, SR 404, SR 518, and US 192 causeways are <br />also included in the corridor as intermediate connectors. <br />