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II <br />• <br />4b <br />011 <br />Fonts r» -ay pursue qtly litigation to final drternljtllltilan sly a t`uurl of <br />competent ,jurisdiction and rxglrt%sly reu•f,l 's Ilor right, in its smile <br />(liscrelion. to appeat fl -11111 .illy adverm. jlldgr11e1ll Bit flllIvi. <br />(d) Irl all cases wilier( rhe polis pi•l 11 t it—, I,.. I wili-, I Ill• Film Ill <br />proseculc or prmide for the dcivow Id ❑3,v m Pion on Imi, eeding. Illi <br />insured sh:dl secure to'I'hc Fund the tight ill s11 lvru,rrrne 111 til u.idr <br />defense in the action or proceeding and Al appl:ds Ihl rein, ,lel! <br />per111it The Filurl to Ilse, at its oplioll, Ihe natlle Ill Ilse illmot-41 Jill illi, <br />purfsuse.11q rencver re•gt test r d hy'1'Iu' Fr u l r!, I he• i I ase I l ed, al ' i 11 r• 1� n n ills <br />expetlsc, shall give 'File Fluid :Ill reasonahie aid (I) in any action or <br />pruceediug, sechwiug evidence', obtaiating willies's, ploserutirrg or <br />defending lllr action or proceeding. or cflecliog selllrnlcilt. 11111100 <br />ill ally other Lawful all which ill the opinion of flit. Fund till\ he <br />urcirssary or desil'arble' to establish elle nth' IF, Ills' uquit' ill ileo lc' l its <br />insured. If '[']it! Fund is prejudi cd Ilv IN' falurr of Ill"' ivisurcll Bl <br />furnish lite required rooperati(m. Till• Fluid's obligations k) tilt• <br />insured under lite policy shall terminale, indildiug anv liability or <br />obligatiall m dcfeud, prosecute, cu ronthuu' any ling:ltiuu • veil h regard <br />til dtc (natter or manors rreeluiri ig such cooperalion. <br />5. Proof of Lars or Ramage <br />In addition to mid:lfter the notices acquired under Section :3 of 'thew <br />Conelidunsand5ulnilalivnshav'cbcrn111-ocidcd fileFiprtl,aproolof <br />loss or damage signed and Sworil ul by the insnrcrl rlaimaill shall tie <br />furnished io`I'he Fund within �l(FdayS aCtel Clic insured claimant shall <br />a5c.erlaial the lints giving rise to titc1 lossor ti illiage. The pronf of liras <br />ordamage sltall describe Ihr defect in, (IT lien (n cncundoranre oil Ihe <br />title. orothermitler imured:Ig:rinslUy thispolie twbichc,umliuoes rliv <br />hasisuf loss nrdamagc and sbollstale, ulIhe emvw i o"ilrie^ Ihr Im.6% <br />of calculating the amount of elle less or d:1111;I1;e. 11 l ht^ I'nnrl is <br />prejudiced by lite failure of the insolyd 11.4illm l to prtn' do the <br />required pruof of loss or 'fill- Finds obligations to 16e <br />iosured Bolder the policy S111111 Ierillitliltl', LINK IlIellllg ally liability or <br />ohligatiuu to etc fend, prusr(I lI e, oa n iI u i m 1C' a I ly lit Yga Ii+ r3,, wi til crud rel <br />to the matter ur maters rerltliring such prool 401 lossor dalaage. <br />Ill additiUil, the inslll'ed Ciliml:lill11]:11' I'L'i1,[Ii1,Illly bl' tegmleellei ti16}llilit <br />to examination Under oath hy" :illy anthurirrd iVIII -sl ucnive 44 1 he <br />Fund and shall produce for examination, iu,lict tine lull i INpsing, at <br />sucit reasonabir fillies Ind pI1ccs:I.s only be dr, giIMv4l be anv Mitho- <br />riaert rcprcaentativ'e III 'I'lie Fulyd. all Term (Is, books, 1-1w, N, i heck,, <br />correspoocicnrc :inti mrnksr:nada, w10e1llPl bc4111lig a Ilam In-ir a or <br />after fate of policv, which reasonably pal laic In Ihe Ina,111 '1;'" 91-. <br />Fur thrr, i f requested by any a u t llnri re d re p rr sr 111. r r i 1'l• 111 111 r Ft l nil ,1 I u <br />iusnred rlairnam s1r.111 grant its permissioll. ill 1,l ililll,. for altv .Iluhlr <br />rixcd P -1 -presentative ail 1 -he Fund 10 examine', .." petl and r IplIII <br />records, I1nl.Iks, ledgers, 4.herks. LB 11 e P ;Blit nu'u1-r.rnJ..,. In <br />the rustodyorcontrol IIf a Jihad pal le,,vhlclr Iv,14uimllh' [11•1I..m u11Ike <br />lass 114 dau rage. rill YulotlualYotr 111 ignited ;IS 911o11014ILIMLI by the <br />insured claimant primilciI Ili I'6e- hI 11[1 Jili[NOi111I its Ihi%-lel [Intl shlall <br />nut he disclosed to o11ter , unless, in tire- rvammahil- itulgmPul ul I III - <br />Fund, It is necesslivy in 1111' adtl imm I'alinn 3,l die Align. fidllB i• Not Ille <br />insured clalnmot to b, 11,13, i l IN -11 xal distill ion lllrlIrl hath, I for llle rolhea <br />reasonably l'egilv%tc(l ildnlnr,Illill ill ;.I:11It 114-1111M1+11I IN) Si99ne Ila <br />sonably lteres5:u}' infnrmllli-I Irnlll [111111 Iran lir, a\ IPlllllrl•11 io 11 ill <br />paragraph shall Ierluivatr.lnq liabiligA II fhc Feud 11odrl this put it l ,1, <br />In that riaim. <br />6. Options TO pay or ()ohrnvisC Settle Claims; Terminal"inn of <br />Liability <br />In case Ili a claiot'1 under Ihic prrhl y,'firl' Fried +hall have• like <br />following additional opt Ill l,: <br />(a) To Pay or Tender P'iymlent of the Amount of Glsurance. <br />ToImyortPmle'l Ilayltleill ul IILI,I1111r11olBIt ill,lll"kiwerooterllli,Ill litt <br />logethcr wY[II •rill r o,ts, Al14it net+ 11,r, it rxpt•uSes Yururrl'd iry Ilse <br />insured (61i11'aul, + 11 it IN w4.1I .nub -1 irrd 1.1 1111' fund.ILiI to 11 Li. mile <br />of payineot iii tt•odrl 111 Ir.n lovol and 1, Ili B• Ful ed IS lihalll;.114, I Br'. <br />fray. <br />U[X)ll the exercise by' I'll;- FNIIIII of 1his11plinn dl IYahilily atll r,hhg,1• <br />Iitimto Ihr humped Ili AvI IIINpolic}'. ol}u'r 1.1 make rhe pav Mmol <br />mittired, shall ll•1r11i-ov, Il1cl1krIorg ;III)' 1r11111111y Irl Ilhligati40ll 3,I <br />dcfrud, pr-scr ulr, for( orllhn11e ally liligcltioll, .111111111. pulil'v,11.111 Ill- <br />sutrcudrred qtr I hl• Feud fnr 1a11erllRlitill. <br />(b) To Pay or Otherwitie Settle Willi Parllrw Odle'r (3140, tilt' lo5ured <br />or High the Insured Claimant, <br />(1) IN. Imy 114 c01141 1llisy ,rIIIv wilIt 40ihr1 Ia11drs till uo til the <br />11,41114. 111 all itmived I hilll:11n a13p [1111111 ne.nll'd :qj', Hid tYlllh'I this <br />Ipoliey, (11gethrr wills all- nll') <br />a ILS',S, mlo+' 14.1-N anll fxpc[Ilr; int Ill Iv <br />by'till, '111511 r1 `It riairll:int lt'itir sl <br />11 s, el 1. 31nln 11 ed III 'Tilk' Fol Irl Ill)"' II'r <br />lillo. iIt 1pa)•I'ill•'III Find w•Ili, 11 1 Ill' 1'111111 IS t,llli}l.11ffl to lmv; 111 <br />I iii) INI.lvor tit llrp%,1sr' Stillowirll ihcitisBrcdrlatII1:111r rhelms <br />fly daalagl In ucn1r14 Int .nld1'r lite petit y-, krgy111r1 1,1111 .Inv' itrd,, <br />a <br />atlm errs" Ire, n11 t ,II' <br />n I, -, sue 1111 rel ht Jill,YILsuwd 4lailnaul whit II <br />l <br />yvm'Ir',un11urirt-d ll1 I Irl aced up [nlhc lime of p.11tur•ul and 1vb14.h l Iu• <br />Fungi Ys hligpled III p"%- <br />11,pol1161 4,194 i,1 Ilv I be 1'1llld of 61111.1 11i till. oplinflc 111olith-d fnrill <br />Ialtal;raldrsib16) '01 (it?, III("1'rrllll',lit.ligdtl-ll,totlll"illsnl"ell roilt'l <br />Itis li11firy Inc the o 1,1i1111d 1t111 114 +l,ltrI.,l;r. Ild1t'r than I11(paylurlus <br />rrsplo"I tulle rl"Ile• shall Irrulill,lu•, 1114 fiuliog am liability BPIulilig.t- <br />tilln loch^frlid, lnenrtlllr.n 44.nliltirr,un liliganla11. <br />7. 1)eleiminalion, Extent of 1.iahilily and C:oinsortlnce <br />illi^. plili4.1 is lk 4I)IIII'mI lit ilidl'nIT111% .IgAllsl-itload InU11e I41 ill <br />r <br />Y1.1111d4t•,1KI111411'[I lir illrllm41llr IIIc Ill sto edi 1.11111.14111% 1111 lids sllliel ed <br />Irks or d.lnlagr h1 rt-,sn11 0l II o I t I, lm fired ai,^, 1111,1 Lv this pn)icy xnd <br />oull' tax 111 x 11 <br />4. rIcI III•l4-i II Il4-,r rimed. . <br />1,11 'l hr Ii.ILilin'nI 110' I`llud nnllrr Ihic pllhi (,stall trot B.", rad the <br />Ic:lsl ill; <br />(i) r1u• llllllrrltl11 orf Inwr•mrr scllell ill .Sc J,1- hih A; Ili <br />(ii) Ihr dillert•mtI. heFtvel•u dile y.d11r it the iewLit^d of <br />iunlrest,lsil1St11Pd,lIiI Ihr %.ill le ell }1S' ilt,ltll de,lalr4lt i n1191',I 51,ibjel I <br />to till' defog. lien 11a eel uulhranl e in,ttrrtt .Igmilsr by Ibis polity - <br />(b) {T7tisNnrnerrerhtlenlirlgwilhCoillclrrarrrrxcasrnrrnrcrffromltoridie <br />pofirim) <br />I(t llit'FII1111will p[Ivoniv'IIll3 tivIiisr,,mitonc6'ti tiers;tndexprnscs <br />ill(to Ied ill arcurelame \%till Sir lioll '1 of 1111•Sl• t.111111iliom arl11 Silp11- <br />Lnions <br />8. Apportionment <br />[l 111[` laud Arse 4111td it S4'l led 1111' .t, 4 11.1,1. ou <br />f 1r1 111 m <br />' ute PIS <br />wiIirh lIen11lusul Is'tSiogic siIv. aIItI t1,I,c1lidIli 'Ik'II,IIIc'iIhIgII'Be <br />or-m4t3,'.11 [ILL' pan( rlshnILIA ut Al. l}t•li,,,slI:lii Ior rIIItlIIIIItelIand seItIcd <br />1111 it Ino 1x111 Ira,i', :Is it 11 it' Illllirl1111 ill illslu all4. e• 1Llidel' Illis poli(v' 3% ;IS <br />ihy'1[Id'd Ulla lalrl o to1l1t',:dllecill 1);Itt' Ill Ill lY( yof rat 11,1-paBalt' pa1eo <br />IN. Ow 1,1'.111•, I'm I ll5iw UI aln' IlllproVeIlleIllS Illlll It' ,llllSl'I[neul 111 11,111• <br />n! 1'nhrtr, unless ,t Ilitbl l it N. lir value Ills 111 I11'I y,he iwvII agreed Ill on m <br />Bl ';it'11 IMI t'l hr I lie 1`1111411111%]1`1111411111%] the iuslnr<I.0 164 unre of IIIC iSSuan4.e• <br />nllhispnlil, old.hu1,uhv:mexprc•ss,tdtcrmrnl(it IIA RCIIIIurse0,5 Ill <br />altalhrrl w Ihi, Iluli. V. <br />9. U111itatiurl of l.ialtifity <br />61 II 1ler Fuull I'SLlhlt,hesIhe lit le, 114 r4-likmv, Ihe alleged debt t, <br />lira.11 I 11 11111b1'ltlll r, tit I III I•, Ihl'1,14 k III a rls; <br />