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QUARTERLY AVERAGE YIELD <br />The overall average yield for the quarter ended September 30, 2023 was 3.34%. The overall average yield <br />for the quarter ended June 30, 2023 was 2.82%. The chart below shows the change in the quarterly average <br />yield since December 31, 2021: <br />4 <br />Portfolio sorted by type of debt instrument <br />Schedule 2 <br />Portfolio sorted by maturity date <br />3.5 <br />Portfolio by maturity date bar graph <br />Schedule 4 <br />Portfolio by type pie chart <br />3 <br />Investment purchases, calls and maturities for the quarter <br />Schedule 6 <br />Summary of cash flows and balances by month <br />2.5 <br />_ w. <br />2 <br />1.5 <br />L <br />1 <br />0.5 <br />0 <br />Quarter Ending Quarter Ending Quarter Ending Quarter Ending <br />12/31 .3/31 6/30 9/30 <br />FY 2023 ---i- FY 2022 FY 2021 <br />The weighted average maturity of the treasury and agency investments as of September 30, 2023 <br />is 11 months. Coupon yields on the individual investments ranged from 0.125% to 5.75%. <br />Information on investment activity, total cash flows, interest earnings, and charts providing <br />additional information regarding the investment of surplus funds such as the portfolio composition <br />and maturity distribution are attached. <br />The attached schedules list the portfolio composition and activity for the quarter ending <br />September 30, 2023: <br />Schedule 1 <br />Portfolio sorted by type of debt instrument <br />Schedule 2 <br />Portfolio sorted by maturity date <br />Schedule 3 <br />Portfolio by maturity date bar graph <br />Schedule 4 <br />Portfolio by type pie chart <br />Schedule 5 <br />Investment purchases, calls and maturities for the quarter <br />Schedule 6 <br />Summary of cash flows and balances by month <br />Schedule 7 <br />Interest earnings summary <br />Schedule 8 <br />Allocation of investments by fund types (unrestricted and restricted balances) <br />56 <br />