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III. DELEGATION OF A UTHORITYAND OVERSIGHT PROCEDURES <br />The responsibility for conducting investment transactions rests with the Clerk of the <br />Circuit Court. The Clerk may delegate the responsibility for day-to-day investment <br />decisions to deputy clerks. The Chief Deputy Comptroller will provide investment <br />information to the Clerk concerning investment decisions made by deputy clerks <br />managing the investments. <br />2. An Investment Advisory Committee consisting of the County Administrator or his <br />designee and at least two citizens selected by the Clerk shall meet regularly (at least <br />quarterly) to evaluate investment performance of the County's investment portfolio, to <br />evaluate current and future liquidity needs and investment strategy, and to prepare <br />reports for the Board of County Commissioners. The Committee will recommend <br />appropriate investment policies and procedures for all investment activities carried out <br />by the Clerk. The Committee will perform an annual review of those investment <br />policies and procedures. <br />The Clerk may use professional money management to assist in the investment of <br />County surplus funds consistent with this policy. If such management is employed they <br />shall act in a co -fiduciary relationship with the Clerk to insure that ample liquidity is <br />maintained to meet County cash flow requirements. Money managers are required to <br />provide investment strategy reviews to the Investment Advisory Committee quarterly <br />or more frequently if requested. Money managers shall provide portfolio valuations <br />monthly or more frequently if requested. An outside consultant may be utilized to <br />evaluate investment performance of outside money managers. Performance figures will <br />be calculated net of all fees and commissions. The consultant will provide comparative <br />performance analysis on money managers to the Investment Advisory Committee <br />quarterly. Money managers' performance, calculated in accordance with the Chartered <br />Financial Analysts (CFA) Institute's performance presentation standards, will be <br />compared to standard benchmarks. <br />IV. PRUDENCE <br />The standard of prudence to be applied by the Clerk shall be the "Prudent Person Rule" <br />which states, "Investments should be made with judgment and care, under circumstances <br />then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the <br />management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the <br />probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived from the <br />investment." The Prudent Person Rule shall be applied in the context of managing the <br />overall portfolio. <br />The Clerk, in accordance with Section 218.415 of the Florida Statutes and County <br />procedures, will exercise due diligence. The Clerk will follow these policies and <br />procedures. He will work with the Chief Deputy Comptroller who will report to him any <br />individual security's credit risk or market price change and recommend appropriate action <br />be taken to control adverse developments. <br />2 73 <br />