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After the Chief Deputy Comptroller has determined the approximate maturity date based <br />on the cash flow needs and market conditions and has analyzed and selected one or more <br />optimal types of investments, a minimum of three qualified brokers and/or dealers will be <br />contacted and asked to provide bids on the securities in question. <br />In most situations the competitive bid process shall be utilized, except when securities are <br />purchased as an initial offering. The Chief Deputy Comptroller will choose the appropriate <br />brokers or dealers from among those on the approved broker/dealer list based on expertise, <br />competitiveness and the ability to execute the transaction and deliver the securities on a <br />timely basis. A minimum of three (3) bids will be obtained. A broker's response that they <br />are unable to bid on the investment can be counted as one of the required bids. <br />1. Bids will be held in confidence until the best bid is determined and awarded, <br />2. Documentation will be retained for all bids, with the winning bid clearly identified, <br />3. If for any reason the highest bid (on sales of investments) or the lowest bid (on <br />purchases of investments) is not selected, then the reasons leading to that decision <br />will be clearly documented, <br />4. If the maturing investment is a certificate of deposit, the present holder of the funds <br />will be one of the contacts made, subject to the portfolio diversification <br />requirements in this policy and the institutions' ability to maintain collateral. <br />XIV. INTERNAL CONTROLS <br />The Clerk shall adopt a written set of internal controls and operational procedures to be <br />implemented by the Chief Deputy Comptroller, which said controls are designed to protect <br />the County's funds and ensure proper accounting and reporting of securities transactions. <br />Such internal controls shall consist, at a minimum, of the following: <br />1. All securities purchased or sold will be transferred only under the "delivery versus <br />payment" (DVP) method to ensure that funds or securities are not released until all <br />criteria relating to the specific transaction are met; <br />2. The Clerk is authorized to accept, on behalf of and in the name of Indian River <br />County, bank trust receipts or confirmations as evidence of actual delivery of the <br />obligations or securities in return for investment of funds; and <br />3. Trust receipts or confirmations shall fully describe the various obligations or <br />securities held. The receipt or confirmation shall state that the investment is held in <br />the name of Indian River County. <br />4. The written system of internal controls and operational procedures shall be <br />approved by the Investment Advisory Committee and shall be subject to review by <br />the external auditors as part of the annual financial audit. <br />XV. REPORTING <br />6 77 <br />