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Pro clamation <br />RECOGNIZING HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS IN INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />-Whereas, Human Trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world and is a form of <br />modern-day slavery in which human beings are controlled, abused and exploited for profit through labor <br />and sex; and <br />-Whereas, Human Trafficking is the fastest-growing crime in the world and children have become <br />the primary target of traffickers and predators as reported by the Florida State Alliance to End Human <br />Trafficking in 2022; and <br />-Whereas, Florida ranks as #3 in the nation for human trafficking hotline calls while Human <br />Trafficking. and Child Exploitation online is happening in our own backyards; and <br />-Whereas, Local' agencies, organizations, business and faith leaders are connecting to bring an end <br />to the enslavement and abuse of victims through awareness and tips to local law enforcement; and <br />-Whereas, Florida Faith Alliance and Catch the Wave of Hope are working to alert Indian River <br />County to the immediate crisis and the need for all to become educated and promote services and therapy <br />for victims. <br />Now,'Pherefore, be it Proclaimedby the Boardof County Commissioners oflndian <br />River County, Florida, we recognize Florida Faith Alliance, Catch the Wave of Hope and other local <br />organizations working to eliminate Human Trafficking. Together we can stop this travesty through <br />awareness, education, restoration and legislation. <br />Adopted this 9th day of January, 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Susan Adams, Chairman <br />Joseph E. Flescher, Vice Chairman <br />Joseph H. Earman <br />Deryl Loar <br />Laura Moss <br />