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A P T I M February 6, 2024 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />55), including within one R -monument north (updrift) and three R -Monuments south (downdrift) of the <br />project area for a length of approximately 7.3 miles. R-19.5 and R-57 demarcate the northern and <br />southern boundaries for where the nearshore hardbottom edge shall be mapped. A buoy with a <br />Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) antenna linked to a topside laptop computer running <br />HYPACK navigational software will be towed by divers to record the position of the nearshore hardbottom <br />edge. The divers will follow the inshore contour of the most prominent hardbottom-sand interface. <br />2) Permanent Transect Monitoring: <br />Thirty-eight (38) permanent transects were established along the length of project influence, which <br />includes 1000 feet north (updrift) and 2000 feet south (downdrift). This includes twenty-four (24) <br />biological monitoring transects and fourteen (14) sediment -only transects. All transects were established <br />perpendicular to the shoreline and extend from the landward hardbottom edge to a maximum distance <br />of 50 meters seaward. <br />APTIM will conduct the biological survey of the hardbottom using the following methods: <br />1) Quadrat Assessments: Up to nine (9) 0.5-m2 quadrats sampled along each transect to quantify the <br />benthic community. <br />2) Sediment Measurements: Collected using line -intercept and 1-m interval sediment depth <br />measurements. <br />3) Video/Photo Documentation: Collected for the length of each transect. <br />It is anticipated that the effort to delineate the hardbottom edge and monitor the transects will take up <br />to eighteen (18) field days based on previous monitoring events. The data will be compiled and <br />incorporated into a GIS database and in situ data will be entered into an Access database. Time to <br />complete data entry, reduction, analyses, and report production is included in the cost estimate to <br />address the data management and reporting requirements for those 18 days of field operations. <br />Task 1: Deliverable <br />Raw data will be provided to FDEP and the County and will include a PDF of the scanned datasheets, excel <br />spreadsheets with quadrat data, interval sediment depth measurements and line -intercept data, shapefiles <br />of the hardbottom edge survey, and video/photo documentation. Additionally, APTIM will provide a map of <br />the project area and adjacent hardbottom resources with the hardbottom edge delineation and monitoring <br />transects overlaid onto the most recent aerial photography (in digital format). <br />A post -construction biological monitoring report will be generated for submittal to the County and regulatory <br />agencies. <br />Task 1: Schedule <br />The 2024 monitoring event will take place during summer 2024. Raw data from field operations will be <br />submitted to the County and FDEP within 45 days and the monitoring report will be submitted within 90 days <br />of completion of the survey. <br />Tarlr 1 • rnct <br />The lump sum cost for this task is $172,051.34. <br />