<br />40
<br />40
<br />+" T1its'FORM 04AS OFFMAPPROVeD SY THE •y y
<br />rontrart for Salim and Purchase /C
<br />'1 PARTIES:___- Ruby_8_Tbacaton
<br />2 of 3.744-5th-Str*sL (Phone) _562-4833—
<br />'3
<br />--562-4833 '3 and .of -the Beata of Florida
<br />4 of 104Qh .Btlraat�af0�aarih�F.or-idi 12964-. -- (phone)
<br />6 hereby agree that Sailer shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described real pmporty and personal property (collertivofy
<br />6 'Property" pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Contract for Sale and Purchase and any riders and addenda ('Contract'):
<br />'8 (a) Legal description of the Real Property located In tldiatl_81Ysx lszur4t y, Florida- County, Flodda:
<br />9 sae Lslias`-tQ-and _madn
<br />10 -- ---- - -- ---
<br />'11 (b)Streetaddress, city,zip,ofthe Property is: �37a0._5th sltl-not Sl_ ii[Fria&JW_ Right -pf-Way
<br />'12 (c)PersonaI Property: - Nona. Sonat ft,9-3 Percal No. 22-33-34-0007.-0064-00607..9
<br />13 _- 50, x 81@.81 conEainin+a-1 _J_J0.uquaro feet ox• 0.25 acroa, 5FX ADDIINDIJ4.
<br />74 P1analit Note r- This_cont:Alr klsbj tio Illclinn Ii1YaF County_opDJro7CCdl----- -
<br />15 It. PURCHASE PRICt:�:....,................................... ........... .......,.....,..,.......... ..,.,,.,..,,.,,..... .............................................$ 10:052.00
<br />16 PAYMENT:
<br />'17 (a)Deposit held in escrow by NI11 (Escrow
<br />'1s Agent) in the amount of.................................................................................................................................................$ -0-
<br />'f9 (b) Additional escrow deposit to be made to Escrow Agent within _ days after Effective Date (see
<br />'20 Paragraph IiI) In the amount of .................................. ................ __........... ........,................ ............ ...,............................ $ - - -fl-
<br />'21 (c) Subject to AND assumption of existing rnodgago In good standing in favor of _NIA
<br />22 having an approximate present principal balance of- -0-
<br />'23 (d) New mortgage financing with a Lender (see Paragraph IV) In the amount of ................................................$ 4-
<br />'24 (a) Purchase money mortgage and note to Seller (see rider for terms) in Ilia amount of..................................8 -
<br />'25 (f) Other: S -0-
<br />26 (g) Balance to close by U.S. cash or LOCALLY DRAWN cashiers or official hank check(s) subject
<br />'27 to adjustments or prorallons .. ... ...............$. 14 05230�-
<br />28 Ill. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER; EFFECTIVE DATE; FACSIMILE: if this offer is not executed by and delivered to all parties
<br />'29 OR FACTOF EXECUTION communicated in writing between the parties on or before March 30, 200!3 _, the deposil(s)
<br />30 will, at Buyer's option, be returned and this offer withdrawn. For purposes of delivery or notice of execution, parties include Buyer
<br />31 and Seller or each of the respective brokers or attorneys. The date of Contract ('"Effective Date') will he the date when the last
<br />32 one of ilia Buyer and Seller has signed this offer. A facsimile copy of this Contract and any signatures hereon shall be considered
<br />33 for all purposes as an erigfnaL
<br />34 IV. FINANCING:
<br />'35 X (a)1bIs is a cash transaction with no contingencies for financing;
<br />'36 El (b) This Contract is conditioned on Buyer obtaining a written loan commitment within _ days after Effective Date for
<br />37 (CHECK ONLY ONE): [a fixed; Dan adjustable; or ©a fixed or adjustable rate loan in the principal amount of
<br />'38 $ NIA , at an initial interest rate not to exceed % , discount and origination fees not to exceed %
<br />139 of principal amount, and for a term of — years. Buyer will make application within _ days (5 days if left blank) after
<br />40 Effective Date and use reasonable diligence to obtain a loan commitment and, thereafter, to satisfy terms and conditions of
<br />41 the commitment and close the loan. Buyer shall pay all loan expenses. If Buyer fails to obtain a commitment or fails to waive
<br />42 Buyeris rights under this subparagraph within the time for obtaining a cummitment or, after diligent effort, fails to meet the
<br />43 terms and conditions of the commitment by the closing date, then either party thereafter, by written notice to the other, may
<br />44 cancel this Contract and Buyer shall be refunded the deposit(s); or
<br />'45 El (c) The existing mortgage, described in Paragraph ll(c) above, has: El a variable interest rate; or ❑ a fixed interest rate of
<br />'46 % per annum. At time of title transfer, some fixed interest rates are subject to increase; if increased, the rate shalt net
<br />'47 exceed % per annum. Seller shall furnish a statement from each mortgagee staling the principal balance, method of
<br />48 payment, interest rate and status of mortgage or aulhorize Buyer or Closing Agent to obtain the same. If Buyer has agreed to
<br />49 assume a mortgage which requires approval of Buyer by the mortgagee for assumption, then Buyer shall promptly obtain the
<br />50 necessary application and diligently complete and return It to the mortgagee. Any mortgagee charge(s), not to exceed
<br />'51 S (I % of amount assumed if left blank), shalt be paid by Buyer. If Buyer is not accepted by mortgagee or
<br />52 the requirements for assumption are not in accordance with the terms of this Contract or mortgagee makes a charge in
<br />53 excess of the stated amount, Seller or Buyer may rescind this Contract by written notice to the other party unless either
<br />64 elects to pay the increase in interest rate or excess mortgage charges.
<br />'55 V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least NIA days before closing date, (CHECK ONLY ONE); E] Seller shall, at Seller's expense, deliver
<br />156 to Buyer or Buyers attorney; or X Buyer shall at. Buyer's expense obtain (CHECK ONLY ONE): ($[abstract of title; or Icxlitte
<br />57 insurance commitment (with legible copies of instruments listed as exceptions attached thereto) and, after closing, an owner's
<br />58 policy of [ilia insurance.
<br />'59 VL CLOSING DATE: This transaction shall be closed and the closing documents delivered onorr beW-n""aya-,
<br />60 unless modified by other provisions of this Contract. From a f: feet i ve date ( See Sec III )
<br />61 VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall lake title subject to: comprohensive land use plans, zoning,
<br />62 restrictions, prohibitions and other requiromenis Imposed by governmental authority; restrictions and matters appearing on the
<br />63 plat or otherwise common to the subdivision; outstanding oil, gas and mineral rights of record without right of entry; public utility
<br />64 easements of record (easements aro to he located contiguous to real property lines and not more than 10 feel in width as to the
<br />65 rear or front lines and 7 112 feat in width as to the side lines, unless otherwise stated herein); taxes for year of closing and
<br />66 subsequent years; assumed mortgages and purchase money mortgages, if any (if additional items, see addendum); provided,
<br />67 that there exists at closing no violation of the foregoing and none prevent use of the Property for Riaht-of-t4ev
<br />68 purpose (s).
<br />69 Vill, OCCUPANCY: Seller warrants that there are no parties in occupancy other Than Seller, but if Property is intended to be rented
<br />70 or occupied beyond closing, the fact and terms thereof and ilio tonant(s) oroccupents shah be disclosed pursuant to Standard
<br />71 F. Seller shall deliver occupancy of property to Buyer at time of closing unless otherwise slated herein, if occupany is to be
<br />72 delivered before closing. Buyer assumes all risks of loss to Properly froln date of occupancy, shall be responsible and tiabte for
<br />73 maintenance from that date, and shall be deemed to have accepted Property Irl its existing condition as of time of taking
<br />74 occupancy unless otherwise stated herein.
<br />75 IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions, riders and addenda shall control all
<br />76 printed provisions of this Contract in conflict with [hem.
<br />77 X. RIDERS: (CHECK those riders which aro applicable AND are attached to this Contract):
<br />'80 E] VAIFHA [A LEAF] - BAS E❑ PAINT (_)
<br />'81 XI. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONLY ONE). Buyer []may assign arid thereby be released from any further Irabtllly under this
<br />182 racl; E) may assign but not ba rolea tie limbi Illy,alnder this Contract; or D4 may net ossagn this Contract
<br />a flyer I *" and 9alrer I _ 11l I .0it.wlridgir rocalpf ar acopir of 'his r•9s.
<br />This 'IURn IS Ircdnn✓.rt for u"wv with Farrtsalllstor' romra sdtrwalr. by ISG McAlllslnr Publishing, Inc M3 330 102?
<br />