<br />40
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<br />Contract for Sate and Purchase
<br />'1 PARTIES: Edxsrsi_,b_ Ti1111._ u� .7�1i�Clilia. bio x�L!_ ("Sellers}.
<br />1779_7�St3�YSA1111 Vires Basch ! 0 1 r 32946-1354
<br />2 of (Plwrrej {9111 5G2-�6fi1,
<br />'3 and _ _Iatliau kva>v Se+�t3G. a inti►1�1 1,.r�vl olein o 4F:kd+ _ {'8uyer'1.
<br />4 of 1540 29th StYal �Ll� I fl 1Ar 32960 (Phone)
<br />5 hereby agree that Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described real property and personal property (collectively
<br />6 -property-)pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Contract for Sale and Purchase and any riders and addenda (Contract):
<br />7 1. DESCRIPTIOW
<br />'B (a) Leval description of the Real Property loca'ed in IIId Rixar County, Flonda.
<br />9 see_tzas:al_Rlaar F i• i1z1t_ A• a .&Ash*.si._her ss�_mad ailt �.lxt _haYla .
<br />10 th_A�YigIIL s?f tilIGFA] 041 A -i zojaiSl. K-_ 1 CL17P Ilesfggl,L�4 nC.ttiLa1139 .� S.r.
<br />"11(b)Slreeladdress. city, Zip, ofthe PfopertyIs 14 til - .0018.r.11--
<br />112 (cl Personal Property: __TX_a%*_"1&nt0. 5754.401 1�41i lRli�aAt�at 41�1i4 ilc��rnC.R ill 4sd►G�4s3,
<br />13 555.0_,00 (R14 t bed Sx9P4oe'-sJ •_TQ$al vLlti t�iCl. 3i.Li1.�4t�—Iyv_drivzwyy --
<br />14 �� s:Ltexta "t1h_ _t1f17�lIC7l t+SStitl:tY rlmaa!!.,_
<br />15 E. PURCHASE PFXE:............................................................................ ....... ..,_............ .... ......,.................. ..5
<br />3.422,00
<br />.
<br />16 PAYfRMSE FATE: This Contract is subject t0 Indian Ritiw County filial app va
<br />AEMT:
<br />'17 (a)Deposit held in escrow by--- ___ (Escrow
<br />115 Agent) in the amountof ....... ............... .s —
<br />119 (b)Additional escrow deposit to be made to Escrow Agent within days after Effective Date (see
<br />'20 Paragraph III) in the amount of._.. .................. . _. ,............ ........... .................... ........................, s
<br />21 (c) Subjost to AND assumption of existing mart gage in good slandino in favor of
<br />22 having an approximate pres ant pdncio batarxcaof........
<br />�_...s
<br />'23 (d) New mertgage financing with a Lender (see Paragraph tV)In the amount of ..................... ___ ........_......s
<br />'24 (e) Purchase money mortgage and note to Seller (see rider for terms) in the amount of._._............................Y
<br />'25 (f ) atter 3
<br />26 (g) Balance to close by U.S. cash or LOCALLY DRAWN cashier's or official bank check(s). subject
<br />'27 to adjustments or prorahons......................... ............. ............. s 1,1 42i.Ot1�
<br />28 R TIME FOR ACCEPTAIWX OF OFFER; EFFECME DATE, FACSIMILE: 5 this offer is not executed by and delivered to all parties
<br />'29 OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated In venting oetween the parties on or before 15 _dtiY! —_ ,ilio doposnlsj
<br />30 wdl, at Buyer's option, be returned and this offer withdrawn- For purposes of delivery ornohce of execution. parties include Buyer
<br />31 and Seller or each of the respective brokers or attorneys. The date of Contract ("Effective Dale') will be the dale when the last
<br />32 ore of the Buyer and Seller has signed this offer Afacsimile copy of this Contract and any signatures hereon shall be considered
<br />33 for all purposes as an original.
<br />34 IV. F110MCING:
<br />'35 L (a) This is a cash transaction with no contingencies for financing;
<br />'36 (bjThis Contract is conditioned on Buyer obtaining a written loan commitment within — days after Effective Date for
<br />'37 (CHECK ONLY ONE): d a fixed; [Ian adjustable; or 0 a fixed or adjustable rate ban in the principal amount of
<br />138 $ , at an initial interest rate not to exceed % , discount and ongirtation fees not to exceed %
<br />'39 of principal amount, and for a tens of years. Buyer will make application withln _ days (5 days if left blank) after
<br />40 Effective Date and use reasonable diligence to obtain a loan commitment and, thereafter, to satisfy terms and conditions of
<br />41 the commitment and close the loan. Buyer shall pay all loan expenses. H Buyer faits to obtain a commitment or fails to waive
<br />42 Buyer's rights under this subparagraph wrlrin the lime for obtaining a commitment or, after diligent effort, fails to meet the
<br />43 terms and candMons of the comrnitmenl by the closing date, then either party lhoreailer, by wniter, notice to the other, may
<br />44 Cancel this Contract and Buyer shall be refunded thedeposil(s); or
<br />'45 (c) The existing mortgage, described in Paregraptl II(c) above, has: ❑ a variable interest Talo; or a fixed interest rate of
<br />'46 _% per annum. Al time of title transfer. some fixed interest rates are subject to increase; if increased, the rate shall not
<br />'47 exceed — % per annum. Seller shall fumish a statement from each mortgagee stating the principal balance, method of
<br />46 payment, interest rate and status of mortgage or authorize Buyer or Closing Agent to obtain the same. M Buyer has agreed to
<br />49 assrxne a mortgage which requires approval of Buyer by the mortgagee for assumption, then Buyer shall promptly obtain the
<br />50 necessary application and diligently complete and return it to the mortgagee. Any mortgagee charge($), not to exceed
<br />'51 $ (1°I of amount assumed if left blank), shall be paid by Buyer. N Buyer is not accepted by mortgagee or
<br />52 the requirements for assumption are not in accordance with the terms of this Contract or mortgagee makes a charge in
<br />53 excess of the stated amount, Seller or Buyer may rescind this Contract by written notice to the other party unless either
<br />54 elects to pay the increase in interest rare of excess mortgage charges.
<br />'55 V. TITLE EVIDENCIE:At least _ _ days before closing date, (CHECK ONLY ONF): �' Seller shall, at Seller's expense. deliver
<br />'56 to Buyer or Buyer's atlomey; or X Buyer shall at Buyers expense obtain [✓Nf><fiti lcmj � abstract of title; or Xi title
<br />51 insurance commilmeni (with legible copies of instruments listed as exceptions attached thereto) and, alter closing, an owner's
<br />58 policy of title insurance.
<br />169 VL CLOSING DATE: This transaction shall be closed and the closing documents delivered on __or b%fo,"_ AaYM_.
<br />60 unless modified by other provisions t 's Contract.
<br />� �!! from "Effective late" (See III
<br />Buy" ( 1 I CJ and 50t. ( a knowf olse r•caipt of i COPY 0f till P•y0.
<br />This form ,s hcensad for use YMh Forw'r►ulaRar* Forms SoRmitre by ISG McAllister Publishing, Inc 90O.33e-1027
<br />