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i <br />40 <br />40 <br />GF.oSvsTiā€¢:c Coxsui.TA,vT's <br />Mr. Ronald gooks <br />2 March 2000 <br />Page 6 <br />and perform the evaluations associated with MNA evaluation, we anticipate that Tasks <br />2 and 3 will be completed within about two months of receipt of the work order. At <br />that point, we will consult with Indian River County to resolve if we will proceed to <br />complete Task 4 (the RAP) or perforin a full-scale MNA evaluation and Task 5 (the <br />biosparging pilot study) prior to completion of Task 4. The Task 4 RAP can be <br />completed for Indian River County's review within approximately 2.5 months. If the <br />full-scale MNA evaluation and. Task 5 biosparging pilot study is implementcd, this <br />schedule will need to be expanded by a minimum of two months (provided that <br />contracting with Indian River County for this work can be completed within about a <br />week). <br />BUDGET ESTIMATE <br />GeoSyntcc estimates that the services outlined in this scope of work can be <br />accomplished for the estimated costs of: <br />Task I .Project ManagementqTask <br />16,395 <br />2: Source Asscssmcin$27,140 <br />Task 3: Initial Site Screening fo$33,003 <br />Task 4: Prepare RAP$23,527 <br />Task 6: WasteCharacterization$4,703 <br />TOTAL PROJECT COST ES$94,768 <br />Note that Task 5 and a full-scale MNA evaluation (discussed in the PRAP) are not <br />included in this cost estimate as indicated above. If these tasks are necessary, they will <br />be costed separately. In preparing this cost estimate, GeoSyntec assumes that all work <br />can be performed in Level D personal protective equipment (PPF). Currently, <br />R GeoSyntec does not anticipate that PPE upgrade will be necessary. In addition, our <br />budget estimate includes: three rig days under one mobilization for Task 2; and one rig <br />day and three sampling days tinder one mobilization for Task 3. If additional rig <br />days/mobilizations are required for conditions beyond GeoSyntec's control (e.g., <br />waiting for obstructions to be moved, resolution of access issues, etc.) then additional <br />XR991701R000067Aoc <br />