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3/18/2024 12:03:39 PM
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3/18/2024 11:53:00 AM
Official Documents
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Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Shield Transition Health Plan Administrative Services from
Blue Cross Shield of Florida Inc.(Florida Blue)
to Blue Cross Blue Shield National Alliance effective 10/01/2023 thru 9/30/2026
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(and advising BCBSF of any necessary revisions) and (iii) distributing the Plan of <br />Benefits to members. <br />(15) Web Portal: BCBSF shall provide maintenance of a Web site providing Plan information <br />for employees and their dependents including information on providers participating in the <br />preferred provider organization networks. <br />(16) Consultation Services: BCBSF shall provide consultation services to Employer on benefit <br />plan development and overall Plan administration. <br />(17) Reporting: <br />a. Upon request of the Employer and receipt of any required information, BCBSF will <br />prepare a report of the cost of any proposed modification or extension of the <br />Employer's Plan. In connection therewith, BCBSF will notify the Employer of any <br />changes in Exhibit B under this Agreement which would be required if the Plan under <br />the Agreement were so modified or extended. <br />b. Upon request of the Employer, BCBSF will prepare the following standard reports: <br />1. An analysis of Benefit costs for the immediately preceding term of the Agreement, <br />2. Annual data required for federal disclosure reporting. <br />3. Each of BCBSF's "standard" quarterly reports that Employer requests. <br />c. Additional reports may be available upon Employer's reasonable request for an <br />additional fee and Employer shall reimburse BCBSF for any and all costs (including <br />internal and out of pocket costs) incurred by BCBSF in providing any non-standard <br />data and reports not expressly included under this Section II. <br />(18) Payment of Benefits: If BCBSF or its Designated Agent determines that benefits are <br />payable, but the provider does not participate in the participating or contracting provider <br />network, BCBSF or its Designated Agent may (in BCBSF's or its Designated Agent's sole <br />discretion, or as required by law) make payment to the member or to the provider. No one <br />may assign a member's right to the payment of benefits without BCBSF's or its Designated <br />Agent's express written consent <br />(19) Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) Rx Reporting Requirements - On an annual basis, <br />BCBSF will submit prescription drug and health care spending (RxDC) reports required <br />under the CAA on behalf of Employer, at no cost, for reportable items and services <br />administered by BCBSF. Employer must notify BCBSF in writing, by no later than 30 <br />days from the initial group outreach following the reference year at issue if and to the extent <br />that Employer contracts with or otherwise utilizes a third party to complete such reporting. <br />If Employer provides, or arranges for a third party to provide, BCBSF with data for items <br />and services that are not administered by BCBSF (such as pharmacy data for coverage that <br />is administered or insured by a third -party pharmacy benefits manager), and requests that <br />BCBSF include such data in its reporting for Employer, Employer shall be solely liable for <br />the accuracy and completeness of such data. <br />For RxDC reports required under the CAA, by no later than 30 days from the initial group <br />outreach following the reference year at issue Employer will supply BCBSF with any <br />12 <br />
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