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3/18/2024 11:53:00 AM
Official Documents
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Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Shield Transition Health Plan Administrative Services from
Blue Cross Shield of Florida Inc.(Florida Blue)
to Blue Cross Blue Shield National Alliance effective 10/01/2023 thru 9/30/2026
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(2) Class Action /Mass Tort/Other Group Litigation <br />As a part of BCBSF's subrogation services (and Subrogation Fee as listed above), BCBSF <br />will use reasonable collection efforts to identify claims that may be included in class action, <br />mass tort and other litigation, of which BCBSF has knowledge, including but not by way <br />of limitation, drug manufacturer, product liability and anti-trust litigation. BCBSF may, in <br />its sole discretion, participate in such cases on behalf of Employer. Due to the nature of <br />these class action and mass tort cases, Employer agrees BCBSF, in its sole discretion, shall <br />settle and resolve all such claims on any basis it determines as reasonable, including <br />collection of less than the entire amount of such claim. BCBSF may engage a contractor <br />to perform the duties under this provision. If so, BCBSF shall charge a fee based on a <br />percentage of the amount recovered (hereinafter the "Group Litigation Fee"). The Group <br />Litigation Fee is listed in Exhibit B (if applicable) and is not included in the Administrative <br />Charge or any other fee described herein. <br />(3) Termination of Agreement <br />In the event of termination of this Agreement, in whole or in part, BCBSF or its Designated <br />Agent shall continue to work as outlined above all third party liability cases within its <br />possession as well as any additional cases identified by BCBSF or its Designated Agent <br />with dates of services incurred prior to the date of termination. The fees charged for the <br />third -party liability services will be at the rate listed in Exhibit B at the time of termination <br />for such third -party liability services. <br />Section III: Financial Obligations <br />A. In exchange for the obligations undertaken by BCBSF in this Agreement, Employer agrees to <br />pay BCBSF fees in the amounts and in the manner specified in Exhibit B, which is attached <br />and incorporated herein ("Administrative Fees"). The parties agree that Administrative Fees <br />may be amended from time to time by the mutual agreement of the parties hereto, and that <br />any such amendments will be signed, dated and made a part of this Agreement. <br />B. BCBSF may change the Administrative Fees set forth in Exhibit B as of any date on or after <br />the first anniversary of the Agreement's Effective Date. If such a change is in connection <br />with a modification of the Plan, it will become effective on the effective date of the <br />modification. If such change is not in connection with a modification of the Plan, it will <br />become effective on the date specified, provided BCBSF has given written notice of the <br />change at least sixty (60) days prior thereto, and unless the Employer has notified BCBSF in <br />writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the applicable change in <br />Administrative Fees of its intention to terminate this Agreement in conformity with Section <br />IV. C (5) below. However, in the event there is a ten percent (10%) increase or decrease in <br />enrollment or projected enrollment (number of lives covered by BCBSF under the Employer's <br />benefit program) BCBSF reserves the right to revise Administrative Fees. <br />C. In addition to the Administration Fees set forth in Exhibit B, the Employer shall reimburse <br />BCBSF for the amount of any taxes, or other charges or fees in connection therewith, assessed <br />against BCBSF with respect to any benefit payments made under the Plan. <br />14 <br />
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