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(::S-4 <br />Proclamation <br />RECOGNIZING AFRICAN AMERICAN PIONEER MRS. ALMA MILLER <br />-Whereas, Indian River County celebrates African American Pioneers who, through their service in <br />the business, public, and elected arenas, have paved the way for this and future generations; and <br />-Whereas, Alma Miller was born and raised in New Jersey; she moved to her husband Glenn's <br />home state of Florida in 1999, the following year she came out of retirement to join the Indian River County <br />Health Department; and <br />-Whereas, Mrs. Miller is a faithful supporter of her church; she served as the District Evangelism <br />Coordinator for the Church of God from 2003-2016 where she touched the lives of many congregants; and <br />-Whereas, Mrs. Miller works throughout Wabasso and the surrounding areas as a Community <br />Human and Health Services Advocate; she plays an instrumental role in bringing essential resources and <br />infrastructure improvements to underserved areas; and <br />-Whereas, Mrs. Miller is a Board Member for the nonprofit organization Coalition for Attainable <br />Homes where she dedicates her time to orchestrating affordable housing for Treasure Coast residents in <br />need. <br />Naw, 7fiierefore, be it Proclaimeddy the Boardof County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, we commend Mrs. Alma Miller and recognize her outstanding achievements. <br />She is a pillar of our community and has greatly enriched the lives of countless Vero Beach citizens. <br />Adopted this 20th day of February, 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Susan Adams, Chairman <br />Joseph E. Flescher, Vice Chairman <br />Joseph H. Earman <br />Deryl Loar <br />Laura Moss <br />