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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> RYAN L.BUTLER, CLERK <br /> Late payment fees assessed to customer accounts during the time the Agency's <br /> disbursement process to the utility is pending are applicable. <br /> 2. If funds are available, and the recipient has no other means to pay, the Agency <br /> must pay the entire delinquent amount up to the currently prescribed upper limit, <br /> as determined by FPL. While this limit can be increased or decreased at the <br /> discretion of FPL, the standard upper limit for the program is $500. <br /> 3. No recipient may receive more than a one-time benefit in a twelve-month period <br /> on the current account. No recipient may circumvent this limitation. Commitment <br /> initial set-up date is used to determine the 12-month time period. <br /> 4. Disbursement of funds by the Agency must be by check payable to Florida Power <br /> & Light Company and must be received by FPL's Payment Processing Center no <br /> later than 60 days from the commitment date. <br /> 5. Payment must be submitted in the name of the FPL Account Holder (customer of <br /> record) for the household applying for assistance. <br /> 6. Exceptions to the requirements listed above require the approval of the FPL Area <br /> Business Specialist Manager, and may require additional approval by the FPL <br /> Lead Area Business Specialist Manager. <br /> IV. Public Energy Assistance Programs <br /> The FPL Care To Share Program is designed to fill voids in existing energy <br /> assistance programs that have exhausted their resources or where recipient's needs <br /> exceed program limits. Agency caseworkers should document efforts to link recipient <br /> with the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), the Emergency <br /> Home Energy Assistance Program for the Elderly (EHEAP), and the National Food <br /> and Shelter (FEMA) program energy funds in advance of, and prior to committing <br /> any, FPL Care To Share funds to such client. <br /> V. FPL/ Agency Interface <br /> Program Funding <br /> FPL will solicit its customers to contribute to the "FPL Care To Share" fund via the <br /> customer's monthly electric statement, and may as an option supplement customer <br /> contributions with shareholder and employee contributions. FPL will determine in its <br /> sole discretion the method by which contributions will be collected. FPL will collect <br /> and distribute these funds to the administrative Agency proportional to the amount of <br /> donations received in the area to which the Agency has agreed to provide program <br /> services. FPL shareholder and employee contributions will be distributed to the <br /> administrative Agency at the discretion of FPL, with area population and poverty <br /> factors considered. <br /> FPL will work closely with the Agency on disbursement of Agency funding. FPL funds <br /> from all sources will be disbursed to the Agency on a quarterly basis (subject to <br /> change upon 30 days notice from FPL). <br /> y �5a FPL Care To Share Program Agreement(rev 11-27-2023) <br />