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CA <br />C� <br />40 <br />Attachment F <br />FUNDINGICGNSI DERATI[]N <br />A. This is not a cost -reimbursement Agreement. The Recipient shall be reimbursed <br />for accomplishment or delivery of items and activities as represented in the <br />proposal in three payments not to exceed $99,500 subject to the availability of <br />funds. The amount of funds available pursuant to this rule chapter may be <br />adjusted proportionally when necessary to meet any matching requirements <br />imposed as a condition of receiving federal disaster relief assistance or planning <br />funds. Funds received from the Emergency Management, Preparedness and <br />Assistance Trust Fund may not be used to supplant existing funds. <br />B, The Recipient shall establish a separate account code in an interest gearing <br />account for tracking all deposits, expenditures and interest pertaining to an award. <br />A separate account code shall be established for each award received. The <br />interest earned on said account (s) shall be remitted promptly to the Department, <br />but no later than ninety days after the completion of the Agreement. <br />C. Any advance payment under this Agreement is subject to s. 216.181(14), Florida <br />Statutes. Twenty-five (25) percent of an award may be advanced. Payment of <br />reimbursable expenditures may be requested thereafter, at the end of each quarter. <br />If an advance payment is requested, the budget data on which the request is based <br />and ajustification letter shall be submitted. The letter will specify the amount of <br />advance payment needed and provide an explanation of the necessity for and <br />proposed use of these liwds. The Recipient shall mark the appropriate place <br />below indicating, whether or not an advance payment is requested, if an advance <br />payment is requested enter the amount of the request. <br />1. No advance payment is requested; payment will be made solely <br />on a reimbursement basis. <br />An advance payment of $ is requested; balance of <br />payments will be made on a reimbursement basis. (Justification <br />letter must be provided.) <br />D. After the initial advance, if any, quarterly payments may be made for all <br />reimbursable expenses incurred as of the end of each quarter. The Recipient <br />agrees to expend funds in accordance with the Scope of Work, Attachment A of <br />this Agreement, <br />20 <br />