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C> <br />4W <br />C-1 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />ATTACHMENT to <br />AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN <br />BRAD SMITH ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />And <br />Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br />1820 25th St. <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />PROJECT ]NAME AND LOCATION; <br />Jungle Trail/Pelican Island Refute Enhancement Proicct <br />Indian River County Florida <br />DEFINITIONS <br />As used in the entire Agreement, the following; words and their derivative words or <br />phrases have the meanings indicated, unless otherwise specified in the various sections of <br />this agreement. <br />CERTIFY, CERTIFICATION: A design Professional's opinion based on his or her <br />observation of conditions, knowledge, information and beliefs. It is expressly understood <br />that the Design Professional's certification of a condition's existence relieves no other <br />party of any responsibility or obligation he or she has accepted by contract or custom. <br />ESTIMATE: An opinion of probable construction cost made by the Design Professional. <br />The accuracy of a probable construction cost opinion cannot be guaranteed. <br />INSPECT, INSPECTION: The visual observation of construction to permit the Design <br />Professional to render his or her professional opinion as to whether the contractor is <br />performing the Work in a manner indicating that, when completed, the work will be in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents. Such observations shall not be relied upon by <br />any party as acceptance of the Work, nor shall they relieve any party front fulfillment of <br />customary and contractual responsibilities and obligations. <br />SCOPE /SERVICES: <br />1. PROJECT OVERVIEW: The project consists of professional planning and design. <br />services for the development of 3 public use sites along; .lung;le "frail. and portions of <br />the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. <br />The 3 specific public use sites which will be developed to receive restrooms, access, <br />parking, and trails are: <br />AHach rnent - l <br />