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notice h% the County. or upon a determination of the ('onsultant of the <br />emstcnce ot'such errors or omissions. ►%hichcycr• cvcnl shall first occur. <br />12. l he ('onsultant shall, during the entire tern of this :Agreement. procure anti keep in full <br />lirce. elT ct. and good standing any and all neces%ary licenses. registrations. certificates. <br />permits. and any and all other authorizations as are required by local. state, or federal laa. <br />in order fir the Consultant to render its services as descrihe'd in this Agreement. Hie <br />Consultant shall also require all sub -consultants to comply by contract %%ith the pro%isions <br />of this section. <br />13. The Consultant is registered with and will use the Department of Homeland Securitv's 1:- <br />VeritV s\ stent (tywa.c-%%.cto confirm the employment eligibility ofall ne\\i%.hired <br />employees Ibr the duration of this agreement. as required by Section 449.095. I .S. The <br />Consultant is also responsible lbr obtaining im���l'uf I.-Vcrilj regislr�uiun and compliance <br />lir all subconsultants. <br />III. RFSPONSIRILiTIFS O1F TNF, COUNTY <br />1. The County shall provide the Consultant access to appropriate records. documents. and <br />other materials necessary to complete the project. <br />2. The County PriJect Manager shall represent the County in all technical matters pertaining <br />to the work and perfitrmance of this Agreement, and his responsibilities shall include: <br />A. Examination of all reports, surveys, and other documents presented by the <br />Consultant and rendering. in writing, decisions pertaining thereto within a <br />reasonable time so as not to materially delay the work ofthe Consultant. <br />B. Transmission of instructions. receipt of information. interpretation and <br />del mition of'C'ounty policies and decisions with regard to the work covered <br />by this Agreement. <br />C. Transmission of prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the <br />County observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defects or changes <br />necessary in the project. <br />IV. 'TIME OF COMPLETION <br />L The services to be rendered by the Consultant shall be completed within the time stated in <br />the Memorandum. The Consultant shall commence work upon its receiving the Notice to <br />Proceed, unless the Notice to Proceed indicates otherwise. <br />2. As additional consideration tar this Agreement, the Consultant agrees that a reasonable <br />extension of time shall be granted by and at the discretion of tfie County in the event there <br />is a delay on the part of the County in fulfilling its part of'the Agreement or should weather <br />conditions, acts of God or hidden conditions delay performance of the Consultant's duties. <br />Indian Ricer ( mml; Page 3 <br />