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40 <br />v <br />D <br />n <br /> ']'lie Architect's 111csigoLitcd Rrllress•11131ive identified ill Paragraph l.1.,1 shall he authorized <br />to aril. (lit the Architect's behalf with respect to the Project. <br /> The Aichilecl shall mainlaisl the c+lilfidentiality of information specifically designated as <br />confickmial by the [honer, unless withholding such infurmalien would violate the law, create Ilse <br />risk of sipilicant harm to the public or prevent the Architect from establishing a claim or defense <br />ill an adjudicatory proceeding. The Archllecl shall require of the Architect's consullanls sinsilar <br />agreements to I1lannlalll the conficletilialily (if information Nation specifically designated as cfnlWenlial <br />by Ille Owner. <br /> Except with lite (holler's knowledge and consent, the Architect shall not engage in any <br />activity, or accept any ctriploplent, interest clr contrihotion that woulcl reasonahly appear to <br />compromise the Architect's professional judgment will) respect to this Project. <br /> 'I'lie Architect shall review lases, codes, .told regulations applicable to the Architect's <br />services, 'l he Architect shall respond in lite design of the Prtlject to ietlitirements mlliosed by <br />governmental authorities hawing jurisdiclion over the Project. <br />* u.3.7 "'Ile A.Gl„1a. 1 zl } }f-fferxiee u4 <br />--41AWnsation f-ru411CI L'Y4ho 4hwPIC) 41pt-1"M4It-rtcroticv 10 khu. <br />--E)m-ne-r if-klle Are' est liee attles�awsrrt rof�+wy esr+rora ,tronroisr it>rla i+ caa+lri <br />-41ri I; fi will .l60”, <br />ARTICLE 1.3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1.3.1 COST OF THE WORK <br /> 'I'hc Cast of Ilse Work shall be the tolaI cost or, to the extent elle Project Is not compheled, <br />ilia estimated cost to Ilia Owner of all elements of lite Project designed or specified by the <br />Architect. <br /> -I'he [;oil of lite 1•Vork shall indtlde lila cast at current market rates of labor mid materials <br />furnished by ilia Owner and ecluipnleot designed, specified, selected csr specially provided for by <br />the Architect, including the costs of manigemenl or supervision of construction or iwmahk+tion <br />provided by a separale construction Manager or cot,lractor, plus a reasonable allowance for their <br />overhead and profit. Us addition, a reasonable allowance for contingencies shall be included for <br />market conditions al the little of bidding and for changes in l}le �•Vork. <br />1.3,1.3 The Cost tlf Ilse Work Blocs nut include lite compensation of Ilse Architect and tlr <br />Aidniecl'S 2on5tIIIASIS, the CosIS of lite I.Itld, righlS-0r-way and linanclntl or other costs that ;lie <br />Ilse respousihihily of lite Owner. <br />1,3,2 -INSTft#}{r}l{t{ggr-5 -E DRAWINGS. SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS <br />rrj� • eiGcati<nsala-ullIer-dosorlaeoW-itrc$tuiin};-tltcrone--ill-Blurt itis liwto, <br />prepared by Jile Au -1 ilectand the ArcJsilact s cc+luuitallts ur In ru:u r ;rte cmc-setlt` <br />U -ly willarers lest LvlllisJ�uljtecl.Tfru Ar�hiltcl-arlti-lllwArciroite�4r ecnuuitatltTM rllaiklae tire+steri tlty <br />a'xn�a autlwcr;-awcLtuwwxs-wf-theirFr�ructi+w-i+lslrulticwtr.-tlf-?iR,�.,:rid-r:ll:til-t�l�airt-:Ill-Hsntrn+ntt-lttw, <br />-t:kalutwr�-a+:ct�tlll+ar-relrar�ul-�i kilts,-illt�llltlilxg-�Ilpyri}{l1kt;. <br />01997 AIAO <br />AIA 00CUMEN7 6141.1991 1 I I`Cutiur•F 11u€<eCt11L1tt11L A1ihnL{ l Kr l4lti t4l thV tlwrli f-;r-lllN rc Ytl ntiWl� <br />SnACI t9AR0 FORM aicenstt--to-w roraulur-iN]r�r•-Arcilit1161':~{n►lrttmuntu+tf- arvitc-rcrlul ft>F rue uFrs-of-usslt:trus:til <br />AGRLfMENT 1 yr- I P llh <br />�tsirl u.insaintaitsin}{-Ihrl_1"rwjQ"-priruidVcl-lht-Ih4t-Rlwlter-611all-ctsolply--with-ill-t44ip4iolsw <br />the American Institute .ire,luciialg-}rlcutllal-pay nlllk-elf-all-hums: when-du�r-tlntlrr-•lhi>.-AYtr+}nlc'r1t-Fhc�-etireltttre�whxil- <br />Of Arc h flet is <br />1135 New York Avenue, N.W. 1 <br />Washinammn 0C. 20006/292 • Sea Atlackrrnnnl `A'. <br />WA1tNtN(k Uniken!*d phalnroprdnll wral.tet u S rnprll)ihl tswt end wIIF tnbl.rr the vroklrttt In kgel p+utetulMn <br />