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40 <br />40 <br />ARTICLE 1.4 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND OTHER SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1.4.1 Enumeration of Paris of the AgrecrnenC This Agreement represents the entire and integrated algrcement between the <br />Owner and the Architect and supersedes all prior negotiations. representations or agreements, either written or oral. This <br />Agreement may be aincnded only by written instrument signed by bath Owner and Architect. This Agrocnleltt comprises the <br />documents listed below. <br /> Standard FoTin of At recinent Bettwcen ONvner and Architect. AIA i]ocuntelat B 141-1997 as modifed. <br />1,4.1.2 Standard Form of Architect's Services: Design and Contract Admini: (ration. AIA Document B141-1997, 0F45-FeAows <br />Us modified: <br />(List villa, docmmenls, ifany. delmealing Architeel's scope of services.I <br /> Other documents as follows: <br />(Lisi oilier documents, if any, forming part of the Agreement-) <br />Exhibit "N' <br />1.4.2 Special Terms and Conditions. Special terms and conditions that modify this Agreement are as follovts: <br />Exhibits One and Two <br />ARTICLE 1.5 COMPENSATION <br />1.5.1 For the Architect's services as described under Article 1.3 or elsewhere herein. compensation shall be computed as <br />follows: <br />Refer to Exhibit +Dna dated 6 June 2000and Exhi it Three Billie Rates dated 21 lune 1999. <br />1.5.2 Tribe services of the Architect are changed as described in Subparagraph, the Architect's compensation shall be <br />adjusted. Such adjustment shall be calculated as described below or, tf no nicthod of adjustment is indicated in this Paragraph <br />1.5,2, in an equitable manner. <br />(hvserl basis of compensaiioii, including rates and multiples of Dorecl personnel Expense for f'ruicipals and employmes, and idenlify Principals and clafvfy� <br />employees, ifrequired. ldeirrif • specific services to which parlicular mcrhods ofn)mpensalion apply.) <br />Should tyre scopqsea work chane and the construction budget is increased tEac Qrlvn4r and Architect willrenes <br />compensationusing the Florida Denartn7cnt of Manaeeta7cnl Services. Division of Buil 'ns Conslrlr�n Fce 5 he ._cdnle for <br />Architectural and En 'necrin , ervices chart orhy annIviggLhe schedule of salary rales as identified in Exhibit Three. <br />1.8.3 For a Change in Services of the Architect's consultants, compensation shall be computed as a multiple of one mint one <br />( 1_1 ) times the amounts proncrlk billed to the Architect for such services. <br />1.8:4 FQr�eim�rsublQ�ztpense5-its dessrthed-it7-£�ut>1rk7rtagruph-1:�;s�-attd�ny-oElter-items-iftelrkcled-in�artsgrapla-l-S�--nns- <br />&eimlwtsaiale•l�tkpenses� the�oartpensatlon�ttnll-i3e-e�rrrpuEed#ls-n-knultiple-0f�--} times�lte•espenses-irketkrredby-late Arol+itec. <br />and •fhe-AfebiteoPs4mployees-mWeeflsmltant5_-- Far Reimbursable Expeaases thecam rtsatton shall be at one point —IL—IL <br />times the direct cost to the Architect. <br />1.5,5 Other Reimbursable Expenses, if any, are as folimm <br />Ai 2991, <br />1.8.6 The rates and multiples for services of the Architect and Sire Architect'sconsultants as set forth in this Agreement shall <br />be adjusted in accordance With their normal salary review practices. Arty such ad'usln en nal onl' 2pgUF alter an initial wriod <br />of time ofceniurmonthPram ll7doacxeutionotf tl_ais a and with the Own er`s written aonr9v al 7t'hicit <br />shall not be unrcasonablc withheld, <br />1.5.7 1417-nlatial lawkriElit 9f--I3QilnfS•(S -3 S11nlI ilfi' lion€IB#FpQtk 8xC4?kkEfQn Qf ilatS-A Sp Eltt ilt klrid#S-tI1B iiiHni}tkklrl paymient- <br />un&-r-t-1tis-Agreement—I"Iiall4w-e 13ChiP4lSobsciluefg-p_aYments for services shall. be <br />made monthly, and where applicable, shall be in proportion to services perfornud on the basis set forth in this Agreement, <br />AIAIMM:AII'.N7 Haat-%'rANDAR13RIM AORFENtLNr•19971:p11-naN-AIA-4'kal'Y100117 1997-1"III LMFMCANINSirllrli kHV'W111 MCIS. <br />1735 NI. -M YORK AVI:NVE, WMIJINOTON. D.C. 2111116.5292WokRNINQ t'nllatinssrl pltn4ucwRy ft Jriulstaa l IS. a.PyFiJ11 1JW9 Wd wi11 stlMje the viulaSar <br />I'1 i pnrxanim. 'nin davmnm was clo ikni"lly pratutird lvilh li mm'<.i,n uftho AIA aml can AW Waduwd "nfhuln rlulalien tunil the dale ok aVlralikn ua 114*kA <br />Min, <br />EleciroraicF9rrrwat t3a41-1997 <br />User Docuracut: V13 -- 711112WO. AIA Liccuse Number 10460u. t%hich expires on 11601101 -- Page Nltl <br />