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Georgia-Pacific Corp.
Contract for Timber Removal from N. Sebastian Conservations Area
Sebastian Area-Wdie Scrub-Jay Habitat Conservation Plan
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011 <br />C_3 <br />40 <br />TIMBER CONTRACT <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />(Legal Description: North Sebastian <br />Conservation Area) <br />PARCEL <br />Tract C and that portion of Tract D shown on the REPLAT OF SCHOOL PARR SUBDIVISION, <br />as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 29, public Records of Indian River County, Florida, <br />which lies Hortberly of the center lino of the suction of Main Street which connects <br />Main Street as shown on the said REPLAT OF SCROOI, PARK SUBDIVISION, with Main Strout <br />aS shown an the plat of SEDASTIAN GARDENS SUBDIVISION, as recorded In Plat Book Si <br />Page 50, public Records of Indian River County, Florlda, <br />DESS AND EXCEPT: <br />Those certain Parcels as set forth in Deeds recorded in Official Records Book 866, <br />page 2260, and Official Records Book 066, page 2264, of tho Public Records of Indlan <br />River County, Florida, and as described an follows: <br />P#fldNt## <br />ALI of the following described strip of land lying Fast of !tango 36 Hast and North of <br />the existing Main Street right-of-way. <br />A strip of laud lying 44,00 feet on each side of the following described line. <br />Commence at a concrete monument at the Northwest corner of rut 6, Block 5, RPPLAT OF <br />SCHOOL PARR SUBDIVISION; thence North 00°16'41" West at a right angle to the North <br />line of said Block S. 40.00 foot to a railroad spike being the Point of Beginningi <br />thence South 69°4111911 Neat a dlatnnco of 31.54 foot to a railroad sp uta marking a <br />Pointof curvature; <br />25"17 thence along tho arc of a curve to the loft having a delta of <br />25'S3" a radius of 402.90 feet, on arc length of 177.93 feet to a railroad spike <br />marking the point of tangency; thence South 64°23'26" West a dlstnnce of 134.85 feet <br />to a Poiut of curvature; thence along the arc of a curve to the left having a delta <br />of 6'00100" a radios of 2000.00 feet, an arc distance of 289.44 foot to a point sof <br />reverse curvature, thence continue along the arc of a curve to the right havlug a <br />delta of I2°00'00" a radius of 2000.06 feet, an arc distance of 416.06 feet to a <br />Point of reverse curvatura; thence continue along the arc of -e curve to the left <br />having a delta of 6°00'00" a radius of 2000.00 foot, an arc dista;,ce of 209.44 feet <br />to a robar acrd cap stomped LO 04644 sarkitsg a point of compound curvature; thence <br />eootsnuo along the arc of a curve to the left having a delta of 19"32659" a radius of <br />690.00 foot, an arc distance of 235.43 feet to a railroad spike marking the point of <br />tangency; thence South 44'Se'2711 west a distance of 63.40 feet to a railroad spike <br />marking being the ending point or said description. it is the intent that the Side <br />
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