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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />ADOPT -A -PARK <br />LITTER REMOVAL AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 19th day of March, 2024, to expire on <br />the 18`s day of March, 2026 by and between the Indian River County Board of County <br />Commissioners ("COUNTY") and Discography Disc Golf ("GROUP") <br />WITNESS THAT: <br />WHEREAS, Dick Bird Disc Golf Course is one of the Indian River County Parks, Recreation and <br />Conservation Department Areas; and <br />WHEREAS, the COUNTY has responsibility for operation and maintenance of the County Parks <br />and Conservation Areas; and <br />WHEREAS, the COUNTY has encouraged the implementation of an "Adopt -A -Park" program <br />for the participation of local organizations in specific litter removal projects; and <br />WHEREAS, the Group is desirous of adopting Dick Bird Disc Golf Course (Park or Conservation <br />Area) for the purpose of litter removal. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: <br />THE GROUP SHALL: <br />A. Adopt the Park for litter removal at least six times per year and submit volunteer logs <br />(provided by County) to the Parks Maintenance Office upon completion of each litter <br />removal event. <br />B. Conduct volunteer activities during Park hours only. Park hours are sunrise to sunset, 7 <br />days a week. <br />C. Conduct volunteer activities during good weather conditions only. <br />D. Restrict litter removal to areas along trails and parking areas and not enter or cross any <br />bodies of water to retrieve litter. <br />E. Provide the Parks Maintenance Office with a volunteer activity schedule to be approved <br />by the Parks Superintendent. <br />F. Only allow such persons to participate as are determined by the Group to be <br />responsible enough to safely participate in the volunteer activities. Participating youths <br />must be at least 8 years of age and the Group shall provide at least one adult supervisor that <br />is at least 18 years of age for every five (5) youths under the age of 12 and one supervisor <br />for every ten (10) children ages 13-17 who are participating in the volunteer activities. <br />G. Instruct participants to dress appropriately for the activities to be performed including <br />wearing close -toed shoes and long-sleeves/pants when necessary. <br />H. Group shall leave bagged and unbagged (large items) litter in a pre -determined location <br />on-site as approved by the Parks Superintendent for Parks removal. <br />