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Quintin Bergman <br />April 11, 2024 <br />Page 5 <br />A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />TASK 4 — STORM VULNERABILITY AND RESILIENCE ANALYSIS UPDATE <br />Task 4 entails analyzing the shoreline position (Task 2) and how it relates to the upland <br />infrastructure along the coastline. The CONSULTANT Team will classify different reaches or <br />areas within sectors that have common features based on upland infrastructure, including <br />analyzing parcel databases. The CONSULTANT Team will leverage past efforts and use the <br />2015 and 2019 BPPs' SBEACH modeling efforts to determine how the beach's storm <br />response varies along the coast and incorporate the response features into a vulnerability <br />analysis of the upland infrastructure. The risk analysis will incorporate four vulnerability <br />parameters: <br />1. Shoreline encroachment. <br />2. Elevation change. <br />3. Historical erosion rates. <br />4. Storm response. <br />The study will discuss these risks and how they affect the protective "buffer" that the coast <br />provides the upland infrastructure. The study will also evaluate the recreational value of the <br />beach and the losses associated with shoreline retreat or storm damage if the coastal <br />protection fails. <br />Deliverables: <br />One Technical Memorandum will summarize the major findings and include a matrix of <br />parameters that influence beach vulnerability (elevations/volume information, SBEACH <br />storm response, erosion rates, etc.). The CONSULTANT Team will implement COUNTY <br />comments and revisions into the final Technical Report. <br />TASK 5 — BEACH MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT <br />Task 5 entails investigating beach management measures and will include, but will not be <br />limited to: <br />■ No action. <br />• Managed Retreat/Strategic <br />Realignment <br />• Beach/dune nourishment. <br />■ Nearshore placement. <br />■ Vegetative planting and sand fencing <br />• Groins. <br />■ Breakwaters. <br />• Seawalls. <br />• Geotubes <br />• Revetments. <br />• Submerged artificial reefs. <br />The above list provides guidance. The CONSULTANT will analyze up to 15 beach <br />management measures. The CONSULTANT Team will provide a brief overview of each <br />management alternative and a rough -order -of -magnitude cost. The Technical Memorandum <br />will discuss the management measures and note their feasibility along the Indian River <br />County shoreline and will include qualitative benefits, data shortcomings, design/permitting <br />