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The attached resolution (Attachment 2) authorizes the Chairman of the Board of County <br />Commissioners to execute the PTGA for Formula Grants for Rural Areas funds. Upon the Board's <br />adoption of the resolution and the Chairman's execution of the PTGA, County staff will transmit <br />the PTGA to FDOT. Once the PTGA has been executed by FDOT, the funds will be transmitted <br />to the County and passed along to the Senior Resource Association (SRA), the County's public <br />transportation provider, so that the SRA can continue providing fixed route and demand -response <br />transit service to rural areas of the county. The provision of such service is consistent with the <br />findings of the MPO's adopted 10 -year Transit Development Plan and 2045 Long Range <br />Transportation Plan. <br />FUNDING <br />Funding in the amount of $90,000 will be budgeted and available for FY 23/24 the General Fund <br />/Community Transportation Coordinator/SRA, Acct# 0011041-088230-54001. Funding for this <br />expenditure is part of the allocation given to the Senior Resource Association to provide transit <br />service in the county. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Public Transportation <br />Grant Agreement and adopt the resolution authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />1. FDOT Public Transportation Grant Agreement <br />2. Authorizing Resolution <br />3. Grant Budget Form <br />C:\Granicus\Legistar5\L5\Temp\cabb5bdf-8ecb-42ef-a7c5-c9f95417flc5.docx 2 <br />27 <br />