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Last modified
7/9/2024 12:59:46 PM
Creation date
7/9/2024 12:55:56 PM
Meeting Type
BCC Special Call Meeting
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Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Solid Waste Disposal Board
SWDD Special Call Meeting
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Board of Commissioners SWDD Meeting Minutes - Final April 24, 2024 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Loar, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Flescher, to approve staff's recommendation for carted yard waste services in the <br />unincorporated area of Indian River County. The motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />Aye: 4 - Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, and <br />Commissioner Loar <br />Nay: 1 - Commissioner Moss <br />Mr. Mehta displayed a chart of the total annual price comparisons and monthly <br />single-family rates focusing on Options 3 and 4, with carted yard waste. Chairman <br />Adams indicated those who have subscription service should not compare their <br />current garbage bill because the recycling price was included in the totals listed on the <br />chart. Commissioner Earman received confirmation the recycling fee would be <br />included on the individual's property tax bill. <br />Commissioner Loar questioned WM's price reduction going from Option 3 to Option <br />4. Mr. Mehta explained going from Subscription to Universal would eliminate the <br />need for billing the customer. He provided an example of the Universal recycling <br />billing where the County designated a fixed number of single-family and multi -family <br />homes and every month, based on a certificate of occupancy report from the building <br />department, the County either increased or decreased those numbers. Commissioner <br />Loar pointed out there was not a large reduction by FCC and Chairman Adams felt it <br />was because WM being the current hauler already had a baseline established. <br />Vice Chairman Flescher stated he would be in support of Option 3 because of the <br />high senior population on fixed incomes who did not generate a lot of trash. <br />Mr. Mehta, in response to Chairman Adams, stated it was the Board's pleasure if <br />they chose to postpone the decision and allow for negotiations with the top firms to <br />see what prices they come up with for both Subscription and Universal Service. <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher for Option 3 Subscription Service <br />with carted yard waste and Commissioner Earman seconded the motion for <br />discussion. <br />Commissioner Earman agreed with Vice Chairman Flescher and was in support of <br />Option 3. He pointed out that 70% of the population in the unincorporated area of <br />the County subscribed to curbside trash pickup and the other 30% did not generate a <br />lot of trash and utilized the convenience centers, etc. He wondered after a couple of <br />years in the contract, if the County could take another look and make a switch over to <br />Universal Service. Mr. Mehta mentioned the County had been unsuccessful in getting <br />the County's current hauler to switch over to Universal Service in the current <br />agreement, but it could be something that could be negotiated in the future contract. <br />He suggested the Board direct staff to negotiate with the top two firms on Options 3 <br />Indian River County Florida Page 5 <br />
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