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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. SUTLER, CLERK <br />RECIPIENT/SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION <br />FWC Agreement 24030 <br />State Grant Information <br />CSFA Title(s).: Derelict Vessel Removal Grant <br />CSFA No(s). 77.005: <br />State Award No(s).: 24030 <br />State Award Year(s): 2024/2025 <br />State Award Name(s): Indian River County BOCC <br />This Agreement is entered into by and between the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, whose <br />address is 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600, hereafter "Commission" or "FWC," and <br />Indian River County BOCC, 59-0000674, whose address is 180127" Street, Bldg. A, Vero Beach, FL 32960, <br />the Recipient/Subrecipient, hereinafter "Recipient", collectively, "Parties". <br />INTRODUCTORY CLAUSES <br />WHEREAS, Commission and Recipient intend to partner together to remove derelict vessels from the waters of <br />this State; <br />WHEREAS, such benefits are for the ultimate good of the State of Florida, its resources, wildlife, and public <br />welfare. <br />TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT <br />The Commission and the Recipient, for the considerations stated in this Agreement, agree as follows: <br />Section 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. <br />The Recipient shall provide the services and perform the specific responsibilities and obligations, as set forth in <br />the Scope of Work, attached hereto as Attachment A, which specifically identifies project tasks and accompanying <br />deliverables. These deliverables must be submitted and approved by the Commission prior to any payment. The <br />Commission will not accept any deliverable that does not comply with the specified required minimum level of <br />service to be performed and the criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. If this <br />Agreement is the result of Recipient responses to the Commission's request for competitive or other grant <br />proposals, the Recipient's response is hereby incorporated by reference. <br />Section 2. PERFORMANCE. <br />The Recipient shall perform the activities described in Attachment A in a proper and satisfactory manner. Unless <br />otherwise provided for in Attachment A, any and all equipment, products or materials necessary or appropriate to <br />perform under this Agreement shall be supplied by the Recipient. The Recipient shall obtain all necessary local, <br />state, and federal authorizations necessary to complete this project, and the Recipient shall be licensed as <br />