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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTiFICATIONO ON LAST <br />RYA14 L. F3UTLER CLERK PAGE <br />1. Patient Satisfaction Performance Guarantee: <br />The amount at risk for the Patient Satisfaction Guarantee will be 40% of the At -Risk Amount. <br />Definitions: <br />• Population: Patients Age > 18 years. <br />• NPS: Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors <br />from the percentage of Promoters, in the patient satisfaction survey. <br />Conditions: <br />• If the Everside Health Center is not fully staffed with a Medical Team as defined in Section <br />1.7 for 120 consecutive days or more during the 1 -year measurement period, then the <br />Patient Satisfaction Performance Guarantee for said year shall be void. <br />• If Everside makes available 50 or more surveys but receives fewer than 50 surveys during <br />the 1 -year measurement period, then the Patient Satisfaction Guarantee for said year shall <br />be void. <br />Patient Satisfaction Survey: Everside will send a Patient Satisfaction Survey after an appointment. <br />During each Patient Satisfaction Survey, respondents give a rating between 0 (not at all likely) and <br />10 (extremely likely) and, depending on their response, they fall into one of 3 categories to <br />establish an NPS score: <br />• Promoters respond with a score of 9 or 10 and are typically loyal and enthusiastic patients. <br />• Passives respond with a score of 7 or 8. They are satisfied with the service but not happy <br />enough to be considered promoters. <br />• Detractors respond with a score of 0 to 6. They are unhappy patients who are unlikely to <br />engage again and may even discourage others from engaging with us. <br />Patient Satisfaction Performance Guarantee metric: <br />Annual Net Promoter Score Percent of At -Risk Amount to <br />Refund to Client <br /><70% 40% <br />>80% 0% <br />2022 Bri.idr licalih. LLC. All righi> wsmcd. CoWidLimal. <br />35 <br />