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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />• Utilities (electric, water and sewage) <br />• Service/Maintenance agreements (provide vendor debarment and service agreement for <br />contractual services) <br />• Office Supplies/Materials <br />• IT Software Upgrades <br />• Memberships <br />• Publications <br />• Postage <br />• Storage <br />• Other Personnel/Contractual Services <br />■ Reimbursement for services by a person(s) who is not a regular or full-time employee filling <br />established positions. This includes but is not limited to temporary employees, student or <br />graduate assistants, fellowships, part time academic employment, board members, <br />consultants, and other services. <br />• Consultant Services require a pre -approved Contract or purchase order by the Division. <br />Copies of additional quotes should also be supplied when requesting pre -approval. These <br />requests should be sent to the grant manager for the Division for review. <br />Funding for Critical Emergency Supplies <br />Critical emergency supplies—such as shelf stable products, water, and basic medical supplies—are <br />an allowable expense under EMPA. DHS/FEMA must approve a state's five-year viable inventory <br />management plan prior to allocating grant funds for stockpiling purposes. The five-year plan should <br />include a distribution strategy and related sustainment costs if the grant expenditure is over $100,000. <br />Operational Costs Supporting Documentation <br />If the recipient seeks reimbursement for operational activities, then the following shall be submitted: <br />• For salaries, provide copies of payroll expendiure reports <br />• Expense items need to have copies of invoices, or receipts and proof of payment (credit card <br />statements, bank statements) for. All documentation for reimbursement amounts must be clearly <br />visible and defined (i.e., highlighted, underlined, circled on the required supporting <br />documentation). <br />• Funding may not be used to purchase clothing that would be used for everyday wear by <br />emergency management employees or other personnel; and <br />• Clothing, uniforms, undergarments, jackets, vests, etc. are also allowable for CERT members as <br />listed on the Authorized Equipment List (AEL): 21 GN-00-CCEQ I <br />• For a complete list of other eligible clothing and protective gear allowable for purchase with <br />EMPG funding, applicants, recipients and FEMA staff are encouraged to refer to the AEL <br />website for the most up to -date information: Authorized Equipment List I <br />Please Note: <br />• You can only charge 1 % of the total award amount for promotional items. <br />• Allowable costs shall be determined in accordance with applicable Federal Office of Management and <br />Budget Circulars, or, in the event no circular applies, by 2 C.F.R. part 200 CONTRACT COST <br />PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES. <br />C. EQUIPMENT <br />Pursuant to 27P-19.010 Disbursement. Allowable equipment costs shall be determined in accordance <br />with applicable Federal Office of Management and Budget Circulars, or, in the event no circular applies, <br />by 2 C.F.R. part 200 CONTRACT COST PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES. If an item qualifies as <br />reasonable and necessary, and the item is EMPG-coded on the FEMA AEL, then the Recipient does not <br />need to obtain permission from the Division prior to purchasing the item in order to seek reimbursement. <br />27 <br />