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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />• Invoices and proof of payment for Travel costs (e.g., internal travel voucher, airfare, mileage, <br />per diem, hotel) related to exercise activities; <br />• Proof of purchase methodology, if applicable (e.g. quotes, sole source, state contract, <br />competitive bid results). <br />No later than 90 days after completion of an exercise, the recipient must upload to the DEMES an After <br />Action Report (AAR) that includes the following: <br />An Improvement Plan; and, <br />A roster of participants. <br />F. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE (M&A) <br />M&A activities are those defined as directly relating to the management and administration of EMPA <br />Program funds, such as financial management and monitoring. It should be noted that salaries of state <br />and local emergency managers are not typically categorized as M&A, unless the state or local EMA <br />chooses to assign personnel to specific M&A activities. <br />Management and Administrative Costs Supporting Documentation <br />• Copies of certified timesheets with employee and supervisor signature documenting hours <br />worked or Division Form 6 - Time and Effort and proof employee was paid (paystubs, earning <br />statements, and payroll expenditure reports); <br />• Costs for M&A activities are allowed up to 5% of the total award amount. <br />Supplanting Prohibited <br />Section 252.372, Florida Statutes, states that the monies from the EMPA Trust Fund "may not be used to <br />supplant existing funding." Additionally, Rule 27P-19.003(3), Florida Administrative Code, states: "Funds <br />received from the [EMPA] Trust Fund may not be used to supplant existing funding, nor shall funds from <br />one program under the Trust Fund be used to match funds received from another program under the <br />Trust Fund." <br />II. OTHER CRITICAL INFORMATION <br />A. RULE 27P-19, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />Rule 27P-19.010(11), Florida Administrative Code, states: "Allowable costs shall be determined in <br />accordance with applicable Federal Office of Management and Budget Circulars..." Therefore, unless a <br />specific exception applies, 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart A (Definitions) and Subpart E (Cost Principles) shall <br />apply to this Agreement. <br />Expenses <br />To qualify for reimbursement under the terms of this Agreement, an expense incurred by the Recipient <br />must be reasonable and necessary for the successful completion of a task required by this Agreement. If <br />an expense fails to qualify as either reasonable or necessary to successfully compete a task, then the <br />Division shall not provide any reimbursement for that expense. <br />NOTE: This Scope of Work recognizes that each Recipient: <br />• Might be at a different level of preparedness than another Recipient <br />• Operates within a unique geography <br />• Faces unique threats and hazards <br />• Serves a unique population <br />Therefore, what might qualify as reasonable and necessary for one Recipient to successfully complete a <br />task under this Agreement might not qualify as reasonable and necessary for another Recipient to <br />successfully complete a task. Conversely, what might not qualify for one may qualify for another. <br />33 <br />