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a <br />+o <br />In the event the County desires to continue use of the National Warning System (NAWAS) <br />line, then the County shall assume all operational and fiscal responsibility for the NAWAS <br />line and equipment in the County. <br />XIX. VEHICLES <br />Written approval from the Director of the Division of Emergency Management must be <br />obtained prior to the purchase of any motor vehicle with funds provided under this <br />Agreement, In the absence of such approval, the Department will have no obligation to <br />honor such reimbursement request. <br />XX. CERTIFICATI©NS <br />By its execution of this Agreement, the County certifics that it is currently in full <br />compliance with the Rule Chapters 9G-6, 9G-7, 9G-11, and 9G-19, Florida Administrative <br />Code, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes and appropriate administrative rules and regulations <br />that guide the emergency management program and associated activities. <br />Tile County certifies that funds received from the Emergency Management, Preparedness <br />and Assistance Trust Fund (EMPA funds) will not be used to supplant existing funds, nor <br />will funds from one program under the Trust Fund be used to match funds received from <br />another program under the Trust Fund. The County further certifies that EMPA funds shall <br />not be expended for 911 services, emergency medical services, law enforcement, criminal <br />justice, fire service, public works or other services outside the emergency management <br />responsibilities assigned to the County Emergency Management Agency, unless such <br />expenditure enhances emergency management capabilities as expressly assigned in the local <br />n comprehensive emergency management plan. _ <br />10 <br />