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• <br />PART II - GRANT CONDITIONS <br />A. GENERAL CONDITIONS% <br />1. The method of payment, will be an a reimbursement basis for direct <br />cost only. The effective date of this grant will be the date it <br />is fully executed (the date it is signed by the local government <br />authorized representative) through September 30, 2001. <br />2. Reimbursement requests must be signed by the designated <br />Authorized Representative and must have an original signature (not <br />a stamped signature). The Authorized Representative should be the <br />same person who signed the grant application. If there is a <br />change in the authorized representative during the grant period, <br />the Department must be notified of the new representative by <br />resolution or minutes of a commission meeting. <br />The grantee shall elect to submit reimbursement requests on <br />quarterly basis. An original of the reimbursement request with <br />a summary of expenditures shall be due on the last day of the <br />month following the end of the quarter. Each reimbursement <br />request shall be submitted in detail sufficient for pre -audit and <br />post -audit review. <br />4. Grant funds may be expended through September 30, 2001. The date <br />appearing on the check issued for an expenditure will be the date <br />used to place the expenditure in a reporting period and will be <br />considered the date paid. A final report must be submitted no <br />later than October 31, 2001. <br />Existing public and private programs shall be used to <br />implement this grant program before any new program will be <br />approved. Funds shall not be used for duplicating existing <br />public and private litter and marine debris prevention <br />programs unless the applicant demonstrates that such existing <br />programs cannot be integrated into the planned litter and marine <br />debris prevention program. <br />Expenditures shall be limited to the following two options: <br />OPTION 1 <br />Grantees may spend 100% of the grant award for operating costs <br />associated with education and prevention programs listed in <br />section 10 and 11 of the grant application. These costs will <br />include rent, telephone, utilities, salaries and benefits, <br />postage, office equipment and supplies, program material and <br />marketing. <br />OPTION 2 <br />Grantees may use up to 356 of the grant award for operating <br />costs for projects to assist local governments wiuh the <br />removal of litter and debris. The remainder of the award not <br />spent an removal shall be used to fund educational and <br />prevention programs. <br />