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2€1.4 Family Medical Leave Act <br />The FMLA establishes the rights of eligible employees to a leave of absence for up to <br />12 weeks in a twelve (12) month period from their employment for birth, adoption, the <br />care of a family member's serious health condition, or the employee's own serious <br />health condition. It also provides for the continuation of health insurance benefits <br />while on leave and the return of the employee to the same or an equivalent position <br />at the end of the leave. <br />28.5 Bereavement Leave <br />A. This benefit is available for full-time permanent employees. <br />B. Lip to three working days may be given off with pay upon the death of a. <br />member of the immediate family (defined for this benefit as parents and step- <br />parents, spouse, children and step -children, grandmother, grandfather, brother, <br />sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, slaughter -in-law, sister-in-law, <br />brother-in-law, or legal guardian of the employee). <br />C. Bereavement Leave will be authorized in minimum one-half day increments <br />and will be paid at the employee's current pay rate. <br />D. Bereavement Leave shall not be regarded as an automatic three days off, but is <br />limited to the time needed to assist with arrangements for, and to attend, the <br />funeral. <br />If additional time off work is needed, vacation or sick leave may be utilized, or <br />time off without pay can be arranged if justified. <br />28.6 Other Leaves of Absence <br />Employees are eligible for leave of absence for causes generally beyond the control of <br />the employee. The duration of each leave of absence and the compensation received <br />by the employee, if any, during the leave of absence shall be determined by the <br />County. Except as otherwise provided the decision to grant a leave without pay (leave <br />of absence) is a matter of administrative discretion, and may only be approved by the <br />County Administrator or his designee. Leaves without pay must be requested by the <br />employee at least two (2) weeks prior to the leave, unless circumstances satisfactory <br />to the County Administrator/designee render advance request impossible. All leave <br />requests must be in writing. Extensions may be granted if requested at least seven (7) <br />days prior to the expiration of the leave, and approved by the County Administrator or <br />his designee. For leaves of absence taken at the option of the employee, the County's <br />23 <br />