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ATTACHMENT A <br />(Scope of Services) <br />i. The Commission has awarded funds under this Grant Agreement to complete the following saltwater <br />artificial reef project: <br />Complete two major monitoring events (including fish census with the total count technique) at each of <br />four separate patch reefs to compare the fish assemblages on both fished and un -fished artificial reefs. The <br />patch reefs were constructed under Grant Agreement FWCC-99087. The patch reefs to be monitored are <br />located in permitted Sites 2,3 and 4 which are situated approximately 13 nautical miles east of Sebastian <br />Inlet. Data analyses will include statistical tests for differences in fish abundance and diversity. A final <br />report acceptable to the Commission will be submitted for approval on or before June 15, 2001. <br />2. Funds from this Agreement may only be expended by the County on the expenses as listed in the <br />applicant's Research Proposal submitted to the Commission on April 28, 2000. <br />3. The County agrees to allow the Commission to conduct inspections of the saltwater artificial reef project <br />at any time throughout the duration of the project. <br />4. Written progress reports must be sent to the Commission's Project Manager at sixty (60) days intervals <br />following the execution date of this ?agreement. <br />REST OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br />