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SPECIAL MAGISTRATE APPLICATION <br />n INDIAN RLYER COUNTY VALDE ADJUSTMENT 130A R1) <br />(APPLICAIM MUST WET QC .1F1CA;noNs OUTLWLD QV Fi A _ S IAT 19d tt3S) <br />1. Educ tonal Background 1- <br />2. List any experience and/or specialty for the following property types: <br />PROPERTYTYPE. EXPERIENCWSPECLkLTY <br />Residential Real Property <br />Commercial Real PmpertN r f <br />Tan Ne Pro ; <br />other (pleasespecify) <br />3, if you currently or previously have served as a special magistrate, please provide the municipadi'ty� or county and <br />dates served. T:r,Q i t %ZO 1P <br />4. Have �rou ever n dismissed, terminated or denied appoin rncni as a speci;l magistrate for poor or unproper <br />performance? PNo [i Yes (please explain) <br />5. List any additional htforfn*1011 Which makes you qualified to serve as a special magistrate. Also pKrvide name <br />and contact information of at least two individuals who can attest to your years of experience in ad valorem <br />to tangible sonal properi * o teal pro sacs. f i-i� <br />6. Are you willing to accept the Value Adjustment Board established schedule of fees?XYes ❑ No <br />if no, please indicate your schedule of fees to be charged the board on a one-hour basis. <br />7. Explain your level of knowledge and oxpaience with computers and list lite applications you arc familiar with, <br />including Mia. .... <br />ORGANIZATIONS <br />1. List each organization, recognized by the real cstatc appraisal industry or the professionals in that held. in <br />which you are currently or have previously been a designated member: <br />ORGANIZATION DESIGNATION DATE , MEMBER # <br />or these nraani2ations describe ami ocadble conflict of interest that could occur or thea pPenranet of a conflict <br />of interest that may prevent you frornjh v conducting a hearing: <br />VZ 9 70,71 <br />2 <br />-13- <br />