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GF.oSVNUC CUNSU rk.l. <br />Mr. Ronald R. Brooks <br />8 lune 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />alternative can later be expanded to a full-scale system (following FDEP approval of the <br />RAP). <br />Candidate technologies to be considered under Task 2C include; (i) insitu treatment <br />of groundwater by biosparging; (ii) maim treatment of groundwater by air sparging; slid <br />(iii) insim treatment of soils by soil vapor extraction. As part of this evaluation, <br />GeoSyntec will work with IRC to assist in selecting a remedial strategy to be pursued <br />further with a pilot test. The PRAP will include detailed procedures to implement the <br />pilot test program. <br />Since we have already had discussions on this subject with IRC and FDEP, the <br />attached cost estimate assumes design of a pilot test biosparging remedial system. If a <br />more complicated pilot test system design is needed based on the evaluation of remedial <br />options and input by IRC, GeoSyntec may need to request additional budget to <br />complete this task. <br />Task 2D: Develop MNA Evaluation Workolan <br />We understand that Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) should be evaluated as <br />a potential component of the overall site remedy. To begin this MNA evaluation, <br />currently available information will be utilized and data gaps will be identified in the <br />PRAP. As a result, an MNA Evaluation Workplan will be prepared and included in the <br />PRAP and will specify the fieldwork necessary to fill data gaps which will ultimately <br />allow a demonstration of the viability of MNA as a remedial option in accordance with <br />FDEP and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. <br />Task 2E: Draft PRAP Review Meeting with IRC <br />GeoSyntec will meet with IRC to review the draft PRAP and to discuss the pros <br />and cons of each scoped work element (including order of magnitude costs, <br />implementation schedules, etc.) and compliance with IRC's objectives/goals for the site. <br />Mr. Chris Herin and Ms. Nandra Weeks will attend a 0.5 -day meeting with IRC. <br />XR98070/F990270.DOC <br />AOL <br />