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40 <br />to <br />0 <br />J. r <br />ri ORIOA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR. <br />PARTIES: - I <br />of jln &QArtgrnpfB_Road,,^�Ms Ihnnrnca Reach, FT <br />aril TNnTAN R,TURR �u -+-t �„p,ni i!•ira �anhd-iTLi �i nn of t-.n�S} to of FTnri[ia IBtmH. [. <br />7 fi Q n IPtxxw 1. <br />d each .� I.� - <br />tWeby agree that the 5aliar shall sell aril a stuaf -1t Ie <br />to <br />real property 1' Heal Pro er '1 and permital property I' Pe[snll:[I� 1 (collectively ' Pr rt 1 [[pen the fdwwrtg <br />terms and conditions, which INCLUDE the Standards for Roal Estate lransactkxls (' tarxar I pnlnto[d on tfe reverse or atti0wX] ala[xl any Rdets and kkuxln to this utatfumtant <br />L DESCRIPTION: <br />(a) Legal description dReal Property located In T A is a L-. i Yat County. Florida <br />S _FF ATTnCHFn T mm T1FSf`RTP'PTQN -- <br />f Tax parr -el Nnmhar 23 al 9R nnnnn_annl I_ann()'I-1,� <br />(b) Street address, city, zip. of the Properly Is: --- —' <br />eft Personally. <br />11. PURCHASE PRICE....................................................................................................... <br />PAYMENT: <br />(a) Deposit(s) to be troll in escrow by moo— agfeii.t p r nv i A i n n ¢ i F 1 a nn 1 ii rap amount of <br />(b) Additional escrow deposit within days after Effective Date In the amount of.... ................ ........ ......... ........ <br />(c) Subject to AND assumption of mortgage In good standing in favor of <br />having an approximate present principef balance of ... $ <br />Id) Purchase money mortgage and rate bearing annual Interest at % (see Addendum) in amount of ...................... $ <br />(e) Other: $ <br />IU Balance to close (U.S. cash, LOCALLY DRAWN certified or cashier's check), subject to adjustments and proration ...................... S 7Q., gn n - on <br />III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE; FACSIMILE: If this offer Is not executed by and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated in writing <br />between the parties on or before , the deposit(s) will, at Buyer's option, be returned to Buyer and this offer withdrawn. A facsimile copy of this <br />Contract for Sale and Purchase ("Contract") and any signatures hereon shall be considered for all purposes as originals. The date of Contract (" Effective Date-) will be the date when <br />the last one of the Buyer and Seller has signed this offer. <br />IV. FINANCING: None <br />(a) It the purchase price or any part of it is to be financed by a third party ban, this Contract is conditioned on the Buyer obtaining a written commitment for (CHECK (1) <br />or (2) or (3)): (Il ❑ a fixed, (2) ❑ an adjustable or (3) ❑ a fixed or adjustable rate loan within days after Effective Date at an initial interest rate rat to exceed •.. <br />I <br />term of years and for the principal amount of $ . Buyer will make application within days after Effective Dale and use reasonable <br />diligence to obtain the ban commitment and, thereafter, to meet the terms and conditions of the commitment and close the ban. Buyer shall pay all loan expenses. If Buyer <br />:ails to obtain the commitment or falls to waive Buyer's rights under this subparagraph within the time for obtaining the commitment or alter diligent effort falls to meet the <br />terms and conditions of the commitment, then either party thereafter by prompt written notice to the other may cancel the Contract and Buyer Shall be refunded the deposit(s). <br />(b) The existing mortgage described in Paragraph file) above has (CHECK (1) or (2)1: (If ❑ a variable Interest rate or (2) ❑ a fixed interest rate of % per annum. <br />At time of title transfer some fixed interest rates are subject to increase. If increased, the rate shall not exceed % per annum. Seller shall, within days after <br />Effective Date. furnish statements from all mortgagees stating principal balances, method of payment, interest rate and status of mortgages. If Buyer has agreed to assume a <br />mortgage which requires approval of Buyer by the mortgagee for assumption, then Buyer shall promptly obtain all required applications and will diligent)y complete and return <br />them to the mortgagee. Any mortgagee charge(s) not to exceed $ shall be pad by lit not filled in. equally divided). If Buyer is not accepted <br />by mortgagee or the requirements for assumption are net in accordance with the terms of this Contract or mortga a makes a charge in excess of the slated amount, Seiler <br />or Buyer may rescind this Contract by prompt written notice to the other party unless either elects to pay the increase to interest rate or excess mortgagee charges. <br />V. TITLE EVIDENCE: Al least 90 days before closing date. Seller shall, at Seller's expense, deliver to Buyer or Buyer's attorney, in accordance with Standard A. <br />(CHECK (1) or (2)): (1) ❑ abstract of title or (2) §? title insurance commitment and, after closing, owner's policy of title insurance. <br />VI. CLOSING DATE: This transaction shall be closed and the deed and other closing papers delivered on Ef - b e r er e 14e- r2a�®ded by other provisions of Contract. <br />VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall take title subject to: zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requiremenImposed by governmental authority; restrictions <br />and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the subdivision; public utility easements of record (easements are to be located contiguous to Real Property lines and <br />not more than 10 feet in width as to the rear or front lines and 711z feet in width as to the side lines, unless otherwise stated herein); taxes for year of closing and subsequent <br />years; assumed mortgages and purchase money mortgages, if any; other; <br />provided, <br />that there exists at closing no violation of the foregoing and none of them prevents use of Real Property forte, i n CI 1 a 'F AM it V l' 0- i A 0 R Go purpose(s). <br />Vill. OCCUPANCY: Seller warrants that there are no parties in occupancy other than Seller; but, if Property is intended to be rented or occupied beyond closing. the fact and terms <br />thereof shall be stated herein and the tenant(s) or occupants disclosed pursuant to Standard F. Seller agrees to deliver occupancy of Property at time of closing unless otherwise <br />stated herein. If occupancy is to be delivered before closing. Buyer assumes all risk of loss to Property from dale of occupancy. shall be responsible and liable for maintenance from <br />that date, a(/d shall be deemed to have accepted Property in its existing condition as of time of taking occupancy unless otherwise stated herein or In a separate writing. <br />IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions shall control all printed provisions of Contract in conflict with them. <br />X. RIDERS: (CHECK if any of the following Riders are applicable and are attached to this Contract): <br />(a) ❑ COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE RIDER (c) ❑ FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN REAL PROPERTY TAX ACT RIDER (e) ❑ FHA/VA RIDER <br />(b) ❑ CONDOMINIUM RIDER (d) ❑ INSULATION RIDER IR ❑ OTHER: <br />XI. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK (p or (2)): Buyer (1) ❑ may assign or (2) M may not assign this Contract. <br />XII. SPECIAL CLAUSES: (CHECK (1) or (2)): Addendum IIDMs attached or (2) ❑ there is no Addendum. <br />XIII. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. BUYER'S INITIALS <br />XIV. DISCLOSURES: Buyer ❑ W <br />es net acknowledge receipt of the agency/radon/comtensatan and estimated closing cysts disclosures .... <br />THIS IS INTENDED TO BEING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. <br />M HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR <br />App—I do[nim that any d the f6/rns and Cor0tims m this Caxracf should be Xospied by the parties in a parr War traraa hoa. tonin <br />be nntploted based Won the respective Nferests, otyectives and bagaini g posrrims d ae inimested persons <br />OPVRIGl1T 1991 BY TME FLOR A BAR AND THE FLORIDA ASSOGIATK)N OF REALTONSC IG T. PR _ �O JFK 1117100 Date <br />Social Se or Tax I.D. s ✓�.2 - 7P- .l -40e SoCc�al 5231(y or E:pli <br />Date ALL L ^^• <br />Ieuysrl 1 <br />Social Security or Tax I.D. Social Security or Tax I.D. <br />Deposit under Paragraph II(a) received; IF OTHER THAN CASH. THEN SUBJECT 10 CLEARANCE. (Escrow Aqent) <br />BROKER'S FEE. (CHECK AND COMPLETE THE ONE APPLIC.ABLEI By: <br />Cl f A LISTING <br />ter agreesAGREE CNT--IS_CURR_ENT4e:' EFFECT: <br />pthe pe -including taco^rating sub -agents named. according to the terms of an existing, separa[e hshrxt agrc•en:enl <br />OR <br />❑ IF TING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: <br />tk+ agrees to pay the Broker named below, at t:me of c . from the disbursements of IIx: Filmeed, rd the sale, compensation it, me amount of [COMPLETE ONLY ONE( <br />of gross purchase price or S. for Brokers servx:es in effecting the sale by tingling the Buyer ready, willing aril atm, to purchase pursuant to nvxx <br />It., loreny Loneacl <br />If awryer fails to perform and deposals) is natained. 50' thereof. but no. exceeding it*- Broker's tee above prowled, shall be paiii lk,ir. ai fu'x <br />ll cnnwiaIu lu, Doker s se*-i,e:e•- <br />ex.IW�rg costs expended by and the balarke shall be pad to Se11cn It the transaction shall not close because of refu-I l :;F•lw,r to'—form •.;r lk r sha+l p" in, <br />full fee to Broker ca demand. In any nxiation arising out of the Coon!t[M,I conte+nava the- &'oker s fee. IIIc prevaihtx] Vnr,;- shall recWe,r leas arxt Coat, <br />if n n <br />0 1,0e Wax, w, <br />