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40 <br />• <br />db = . 'Section VI. Maintenance Agreement <br />All applicants whose proposed project involves the retrofit or modification of existing public property or <br />whose proposed project would result in the public ownership or management ?1property, structures, or <br />facilities, must first sign the following agreement prior to submitting their application to FEMA. <br />(NOTE: Those applicants whose project only involves the retrofitting, elevation, or other modification to <br />private property where the ownership will remain private a ter project completion DO NOT have to <br />complete this form) <br />The County of Indian River, State of Florida, hereby agrees that if it receives any Federal aid as a result of the <br />attached project application, it will accept responsibility, at its own expense if necessary, for the routine <br />maintenance of any real property, structures, or facilities acquired or constructed as a result of such Federal aid. <br />Routine maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, such responsibilities as keeping vacant land clear of <br />debris, garbage, and vermin; keeping stream channels, culverts, and storm drains clear of obstructions and <br />j debris; and keeping detention ponds free of debris, trees, and woody growth. <br />The purpose of this agreement is to make clear the Subgrantee's maintenance responsibilities following project <br />award and to show the Subgrantee's acceptance of these responsibilities. It does not replace, supercede, or add <br />to any other maintenance responsibilities imposed by Federal law or regulation and which are in force on the <br />date of project award. <br />Signed by Fran B. Adams the duly authorized representative <br />(printed or typed name ofsigning official) <br />Chairperson Board of County Commissioners <br />(title) <br />this 71 (day) of November (month), 2000 (year). <br />Signature* 1C7 ►�/� <br />*Please note: The above signature must be by an individual tvith legal signing autihority for the <br />- respective local government or county (e.g., the Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners or the <br />County Manager, etc.) <br />Page 12 of 15 <br />