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40 <br />Cl <br />4W'W B. Alternative Actions (conlinuerl) <br />d. litipacts of Alternative Project <br />Below, discuss the impact of this alternative on 111e project arca. Include comments on tllese issues as appropriate: <br />Environmental luslicc, Endangered Specics, Wetlands, Ilydrology (Upstream and Downs [team surface water <br />Impacts),. Floodplain/ ploodway, historic preservation and hazardous Materials. <br />e. Estimated BuclgetlCosts for Alternative Project <br />Is, this section, provide details of all the estimated casts of the alternalive project (rotund figures to the nearest dollar), <br />1. Materials <br />Item Dimension u an(il Cost per Unit Cast <br />2. tabor (Include equipment costs -- please indicate all "soft" or in-kind matches) <br />Ues£riptr11(mrs Rare Cost <br />3. pees Paid Include any other costs associated will, the project. <br />pescri tion o Task 11ours Rate Cost <br />Total Estimated Project Cost $ -0- <br />Page 10 of 15 <br />