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B. Alternative Actions (continued) <br />d. Impacts of ,Alternative Project <br />Below, discuss the impact of this alternative on the project area. Include comments on these issues as appropriate: <br />Environmental Justice, Endangered Species, Wetlands, ilydrology (Upstream and Downstream surface water <br />Impacts), Floodplain/ Floodway, Historic Presarvation and Hazardous Materials. <br />s <br />, Estimated Budget/Costs for Alternative Project <br />In this section, provide details of all the estimated costs of the ahomativc project (round figures to the nearest dollar). <br />1. Materials <br />Item Diniens�ion uaretrr Costner unit Cns <br />2. Labor (include equipment costs --please indicate all "soil" or in-kind marches) <br />Descrivtion Hours Rate Cost <br />3. Ices Paid Include any other costs associated with tire project. <br />Dgsc�tion of Task Hours Rule COBE <br />Total Estimated Project frost S A. <br />Page 10 of 15 <br />