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C- <br />r-. <br />M9814 <br />(DEP Contract Number) <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION <br />Amendment 1 to Agreement <br />This Amendment entered into on —NO- <br />20 <br />--NO- <br />20 serves to amend portions of the Agreement dated <br />July 6, 1998 by and between the Department of Environmental <br />Protection, hereinafter referred to as DEPARTMENT, and Indian <br />River County, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, for the <br />approved recreational project known as Sebastian River Canoe <br />Park, Project #M98014 <br />In and for the mutual covenants between them, the DEPARTMENT <br />and the GRANTEE agree that the following amendment shall apply to <br />the above referenced Agreement: <br />Paragraph 7 Sentence 2 is amended as follows: The <br />GRANTEE shall complete all project elements on or before <br />July 31, 2001. <br />In all other respects the Agreement of which this is an <br />Amendment and attachments relative thereto shall remain in full <br />force and effect. <br />